


Day 7: Spiritual Weapon for a Spiritual War:
Welcome to the final day of the Freedom Plan, day 7! On our last day, we’re discussing spiritual weapons and warfare!

The temptation to fix on your past is a demonic attack. The temptation to live your life apart from your identity in Christ is a demonic attack. The temptation to eat from the wrong tree is a demonic attack. The temptation to bend to cultural pressures and carry on the curses that try and stick to you is a demonic attack. The temptation to incline your ear to the voice of the enemy and denounce the voice of God is a demonic attack. The temptation to forget God’s promises and instead wring your hands is a demonic attack.

So, we need to be armed for battle—with spiritual weapons. Don't believe me? Take a look at 2 Corinthians 10:3-5.

Any search for real-life solutions must begin with spiritual truth. In other words, God’s Word. When we learn what He has to say, we are on our way to a big breakthrough.

When Jesus prayed just hours before he was arrested, He said: “Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth” (John 17:17, ESV). Lies hold you back. Truth sets you free.

God wants you to stop fighting your battle in the wrong realm and in the wrong areas—the things that you can only see in the flesh. You don’t need to yell louder, manipulate more, or lie. You need to take control of the situation. God has given you different weapons to fight with than the weapons you are using. He’s given you heavenly weapons. Earthly weapons won’t cut it.

In Ephesians 5:11, Paul says, “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” Some of us are treating the reality of spiritual warfare far too lightly, and we need to examine ourselves to see how those fruitless deeds of darkness may be manifesting in our own lives. We need to expose the devil for who he is—a loser!

As we come to a close, let me encourage you about the victory that you have over the devil. In Romans 8:35 (NLT), Paul says, “Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death?”

So yes, the fight may be hard, but “ all these things, we are more than conquerors through him who loved us” (Romans 8:37). So, my friends, you are more than a conqueror. Hardship doesn’t prove the devil’s power. God’s abundant grace and power at work within us in the middle of the hardship proves God's power.

Make this your life motto. Say it out loud daily. Look in the mirror and declare it like your life depends on it. Pretty soon you’ll start believing it, and you will begin to experience what you have always been looking for—freedom.

Thank you so much for reading the Freedom Plan. I pray that over the past 7 days, you’ve been empowered with everything you need from God’s Word to free yourself from past shame, pain, guilt or hurt. If you want to check out my full book on this same topic, Freedom, you can go to LINK.

Jason Hanash

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In the Freedom Plan, author Jason Hanash biblically empowers readers to move past pain, shame, and guilt and into the freedom that God intended.
