Sharing Our Faith With Adult ChildrenEgzanp

Sharing Our Faith With Adult Children


Communicating the Faith

The Bible reminds us of the importance of educating and instructing our children, even when they are already adults, and educating is not just limited to formal teaching, but encompasses all communication we have with them, including how we talk about God.

It is essential to recognize that our adult children have the capacity to make their own decisions, however, our role as parents does not end when they reach the age of majority. We continue to be models and intercessors in their lives.

Our communication with them about God must be authentic and meaningful. This means that we shouldn't just talk about God when it's convenient or when a problem arises but in a continuous and natural way. Our words must be accompanied by our actions, demonstrating God's love, grace, and truth in our lives.

Also, it's important to remember that effective communication involves listening as much as talking. We must be willing to listen to our adult children's questions, concerns, and thoughts about faith without judgment. It is through open and respectful dialogue that we are able to understand their perspectives and offer guidance when needed.

Our adult children may be experiencing spiritual and emotional challenges, and our communication with them can be critically supportive. So today, reflect on how you communicate with your children about God. Are you cultivating an environment where they feel comfortable discussing spiritual issues?

Does your life reflect the values and principles you want to convey to them?


Loving Father, we ask for wisdom and discernment to communicate the truth of your word to our adult children. Help us to be authentic, patient, and loving in our conversations about faith. May our communication guide them closer to You, and may we be living witnesses of Your love in our lives. In Jesus name, amen.

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Sharing Our Faith With Adult Children

"Wives of Faith" is a group of women dedicated to prayer for children and husbands whose mission is to support each other and intercede daily before God, seeking His guidance, protection, and blessings for the lives of our loved ones. Join us on our journey of faith and love for the family.
