Hero of the HomeEgzanp

Hero of the Home



We have learned a lot so far on our journey to becoming the hero of our homes.

Today we are going to talk about something that every man wants to obtain. It’s a core longing that God has put in every man, but it’s also something that a hero should demonstrate in his home.


Respect is a deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.

I mentioned earlier that every man has a core longing to be respected, and that’s a good thing. The problem comes when we try to demand respect from others without showing them the respect they deserve.

I have found that this happens a lot in marriage. Everyone likes to quote Ephesians 5 and tell the wives that they are to submit and respect their husbands. I found fewer people who reference 1 Peter 3:7 where we are told to honor our wives and treat them well.

The truth is your wife and your children will be more willing to show you respect and honor if they feel respected and honored in return.

In elementary school, you were probably taught the Golden Rule. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” If you were to start applying this principle with your wife and children, I know you would see very good results.

However, if we are going to be the hero of our home, I believe we should take it a step further. Instead of just doing the bare minimum let's be extraordinary. Let’s practice the Platinum Rule.

The Platinum Rule says, “Treat people better than the way you want to be treated.”

How do we start applying this rule?

Sometimes respect needs to start with an apology. If disrespect is something that you have shown your wife and kids, take the time to let them know you’re sorry and intended on changing. Share the platinum rule with them and get everyone on the same page. Then make it fun by showering them with appreciation and praise. Anytime you catch them doing something good, let them know!

If being a hero is your goal, then it’s time to go all out in showing respect to the people you love the most.

The Golden Rule will produce results.

The Platinum Rule will make you a heroic husband!



Help me today to exemplify respect in my home. Allow me to be a person who shows love and respect to my wife (and children). Lord show me areas where I can demonstrate respect in a way that my family can easily follow.

In Jesus name,



Make the Platinum Rule the standard of how you treat your wife and your children. In everything you do, treat them with abundant love and respect.

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Hero of the Home

What is a hero? A hero isn’t necessarily someone with superhuman strength; it’s actually someone who has courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. What better place to demonstrate the attributes of a hero than in your own home and with the ones you love the most. Husbands, with this plan we are going to break down ways for you to become the hero of your home.
