Launch Into LeadershipEgzanp

Launch Into Leadership


In front of two separate armies, David answered the calling. He met the challenge placed before him, and he emerged victorious, giving all of the glory to God. Amongst warriors, a shepherd boy rose to the occasion.

Leaders act like leaders not just when they are in front of an audience but when they are alone as well.

Noah is often heralded for his willingness to listen to God.

If you’ve spent any time in Sunday school, then you know the story of Noah and the ark. In Genesis, God made the difficult decision to flood the Earth, wiping out the wickedness that has plagued the land. He tells Noah, who remained of a pure heart, that he must build an ark to save his family, himself, and a mass amount of animals from the flood.

Why did God tell Noah?

Why wasn’t Noah left to face the flood on his own?

God told Noah of this because, amidst the cruelty and wickedness that had taken over the Earth, Noah remained true to himself and to the Lord. He did what was right and sought to cause no harm to anyone in the process. He lived a life that pleased God. Despite the temptation to go with the crowd, and the ease with which he could have done so, he didn’t.

Noah was not concerned with impressing his peers. He wasn’t interested in doing bad just because everyone else was. Even as Noah begin to board the ark and prepare for the flood, God spoke to him. God told Noah that he and he alone chose to be righteous. He acknowledged Noah’s good deeds and spared him as the result.

Although Noah wasn’t a leader in the traditional sense, he possessed strong leadership qualities.

A leader does what is expected of them even when there is no one near them to answer to. A leader does what is right not for praise, approval, or accolades but because it is right. Leaders understand that doing the right thing is not often the easiest decision but is always the best decision.

Noah didn’t live righteously so that he would be spared or acknowledged by God.

Instead, he did it because it was the right thing to do.

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Launch Into Leadership

Everything you need to know about leading others can be found directly within the word of God. If you’re in a leadership position now or hope to be in the future, there are multiple examples of effective leadership found within the Bible. Join David Villa as he discusses the leadership qualities of some of the most famous individuals in the Bible.
