Setback to Comeback: 5 Days of Inspiration to Start Your ComebackEgzanp

Setback to Comeback: 5 Days of Inspiration to Start Your Comeback



You cannot stay chained to the past. You must refuse to allow the past to determine your ability to have a comeback. Do not permit guilt and condemnation to ruin your comeback. Don’t say, “If only I had done this. If only I hadn’t done that. If only I could go back.”

The past cannot be changed, but your future certainly can. God’s message is restoration—that comebacks are possible with his help. It is the enemy of your soul who wants you to be filled with regret, focused on your past mistakes and failures.

Romans 8:1 says, “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” If you have received God’s forgiveness, there is no guilt. If you haven’t, you need to receive that forgiveness. And that takes admitting your mistake and asking for God’s forgiveness.

You cannot change the past, but you can change the negative results of your past actions. You can decide that you will no longer have the same setbacks. Acting with wisdom gained from your setback can eliminate future negative results.

There are lessons to be learned from a setback. But here is what is important to understand—you need to learn the lesson and then bury the experience. After you have extracted the lesson from the setback, stop replaying the experience.

I was talking with someone recently about one of my own setbacks. I have learned the lessons, but I have no desire to rehash it. Just bury the experience. Leave it in the past.

Refuse to allow the hurt, guilt, pain, and disappointment back into your life. Learn the lesson, move on, and lose the regret. Defeat the kind of thinking that keeps you stuck in the setback because you can’t let go of the past.

You can’t make a comeback while dragging around the past. Unfortunately, for many of us, there are people who will not let us forget. It isn’t great to have those folks in your life.

What I have learned is, either they change, or you have to get them out of your life. This is not an easy thing to do, but if people keep talking about your past mistakes, they will hinder your comeback.

Refuse to dwell on the past. End the self-pity. Lose the regret.


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Setback to Comeback: 5 Days of Inspiration to Start Your Comeback

Have you experienced a setback? If you are discouraged, if you’ve made mistakes, if you are hurting this plan is for you. God is in the business of fresh starts, new beginnings, and resurrected dreams. He has a comeback prepared for you. Setback To Comeback will inspire you to start your comeback today.
