3-Day Fitness Devotional (Includes Workouts)Egzanp

3-Day Fitness Devotional (Includes Workouts)


Day 2: Spiritual Training

In Matthew chapter 4, we find Jesus in the desert, full of hunger, thirst, exhaustion, and tempted by the devil. Jesus, even though he could have easily leaned into his supernatural powers to destroy all attempts at temptation, chooses a weapon we also have access to. Jesus pulls out the all-powerful sword of the Spirit, God’s Word, to fight his battle.

Four times the devil tempts him, and like a skilled fighter, Jesus dodges the attacks and throws a counter punch without hesitation. The devil swings, Jesus throws Deuteronomy 8:3. The devil takes another shot, Jesus counters with Psalm 91:11 and12. The devil throws another punch, Jesus hits him with Deuteronomy 6:16. One last haymaker by the devil, and Jesus takes him out with Deuteronomy 6:13.

There’s so much to learn from this exchange, but as you read the text, take note of the lack of time between the devil’s attempts and Jesus’ response. It’s a reflex on Jesus’ part. Our Savior can, without pause, deliver a blow with Truth. He’s tired, hungry, and thirsty, but he is also full of the Spirit, walking in the Spirit, and able to respond in the Spirit. The result of muscle memory from being one with the Spirit constantly.

So what does this mean for us? While we may not be led into the desert for 40 days and encounter the devil himself, we WILL face life. And life’s temptations and trials are rarely things we see coming. So I think it’s wise to train ourselves to walk in the Spirit and hopefully, by the grace of God over time, have our response be as quick Jesus’ when tested.

The spiritual disciplines can help you tremendously as you engage in prayer, meditation, and solitude. But what if we took those disciplines into an environment, like a workout, where stress and strain are nagging? What if we use the gym to grow our ability to rely on God while under pressure?

When we are pushing our bodies, our flesh screams for attention. It wants out. It wants relief. It’s not thinking about things above. It’s thinking about escape. It’s not rejoicing in the struggle that’s producing progress. It’s just begging for comfort, tempting us to quit. At this moment, we want to invite you to seek God. Train your mind and heart to have the reflex Jesus did in the wilderness. Recall God’s Truth when you’re in the final set of an exercise, so you can recall it when life comes your way or temptation stares you down.

This training will turn your workout into a time of spiritual growth and help you prepare for life outside of the gym.


Get some reps! Grow in practicing your reflex to pain, discomfort, and temptation. Try the 30-minute FaithFit workout titled “Trials that Transform.”

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3-Day Fitness Devotional (Includes Workouts)

The world would lead us to believe that fitness is all about self-glorification. This Fitness Devotional wants to change that narrative and turn your workout time into a time of God-glorifying physical and spiritual growth. You’ll unpack biblical principles that relate to combining faith with fitness. Then, each day, you’ll apply what you read through a FaithFit workout combining bodyweight exercise with Scripture-based encouragement.
