Fully Devoted Egzanp

Fully Devoted


Jesus Is Enough

Choosing a life fully devoted to God does not mean we will not struggle. We will be tempted and discouraged from time to time. Our eyes need to be fixed on Him to not get distracted. His power fills us up, and His Spirit guides us to live this life not only devoted, but focused. 

The hope is that you will be challenged to see if you truly are devoted to God. If you are not, it is absolutely okay. This is not to condemn you in any way. God is still for you and with you. Thomas á Kempis, a Dutch theologian in the Middle Ages, said it perfectly in his book, The Imitation of Christ: “Jesus has many who love His kingdom, but few who bear His cross.” 

If you are tired or frustrated but desire to be a person who is fully devoted to God, do not do it alone. Receive God’s grace and go live this life with Christ-minded people who will be of encouragement to you. Connect with people who will not only pray for you, but with you. We want to be in a place of transformation and engaged in the presence of God. A. W. Tozer, a mid-twentieth-century American pastor, said: “God never negotiates with [people]. Jesus Christ’s death put an end to any kind of negotiations. It is now Christ or nothing. It is now God’s Word in its entirety or nothing.” 

God is calling you, and Jesus is enough. When you are fully devoted, you will know Him on a deeper level to understand that He is enough. Allow Him to take complete control to do what He wants to do in you. It is not wrong to want to look good from the outside, but know that underneath it all, in our inner being, our goal should be to be sound, full men and women of the Holy Spirit.

“Father, thank You for calling us to live a life fully devoted to You. Help us, Lord, to follow You wholeheartedly. Mold us into men and women of God focused on You and Your purposes for us. Fill us with Your Spirit so that He can be our guide to changing the world. When we are tired and weary, be the strength to lift our heads. Bring people in our lives who will be an example and encouragement to us. When people meet us, let it be said that they have surely met with the Lord. Let them know that our burdens have been made light by Your presence. Amen.”

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Fully Devoted

God has plans to prosper you. He has so much in store for you. But is Jesus enough for you? The only way we can see the fullness of what God has for us is if we are sons and daughters who are not partially but fully devoted to Him. Read along to understand more on becoming a fully devoted believer.
