The Great PhysicianEgzanp

The Great Physician


We Only Know And See In Part

The Gospels are permeated with stories of healing. The woman with the issue of blood, Jairus’s daughter, the blind men by the side of the road, the man with the shriveled hand, the ten lepers, and Lazarus, are but a handful of people who were healed by Jesus. Right through His life and ministry, Jesus healed those who were suffering from all kinds of disease, sickness, ailments, and conditions. The Gospels also reveal to us that Jesus only did and said what the Father in heaven asked of Him. 

I can’t help but think that God our Heavenly Father was utilizing His son to reinforce in us an aspect of His nature. God the great physician. Do you know of someone who was miraculously healed? Against all odds, against all reports, they were healed and are now living healthy and wholesome lives. You may also know of others who were full of faith, believing for healing, yet their answer didn’t come.

How do we reconcile this? If God is the great physician, why doesn’t He heal all those who come to Him? Why do some receive healing they are believing for and others not? To be very honest, I continue to wrestle with this thought and reconcile it by the fact that this side of eternity, we only see and understand in part.

Regardless of this dichotomy, I believe and know God to be good. I believe and know God to be a healer. What about you?

‘I lift up my eyes to the mountains, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth’ (Psalm 121:1–2 NIV).


Want more? Check out the Real Hope Conversations Podcast and listen to John Scott delve deeper into the topic of The Great Physician. Available wherever you listen to podcasts.

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The Great Physician

Healing can refer to many things including healing of the heart and soul. Healing of brokenness. Healing from pain and trauma. Explore God – the great physician – we pray your eyes will be lifted upwards. You may not get all the answers but we pray you know and draw near to our Heavenly Father who is always with you in every circumstance and season.
