Faith Over EverythingEgzanp

Faith Over Everything


Dream Big! 

The plans and purpose that God has for your life are so great and so vast that you literally can’t even comprehend it. When talking to Abraham about his offspring in Genesis 15, God showed him the stars in the sky. Psalm 139 speaks to God’s thoughts concerning us and how they outnumber the grains of sand. God does not think small when it comes to who we are and the role we play in the story He is weaving together, and we shouldn’t either.

Scripture makes it very clear that God wants to multiply. He tells Adam and Eve in Genesis 1 to be fruitful and multiply. The widow in 2 Kings 4 kept pouring the small amount of oil she had, filling jug after jug, and the oil stopped flowing only when she ran out of jugs to pour it into. In Matthew 14, we see Jesus take five loaves of bread and two fish and feed 5,000 men (not including women and children) and there are 12 baskets of leftovers.

The thing about multiplication is that it has to start with something. Big things don’t just manifest from nothing. They always start as something—even something as small as a mustard seed—and when it’s put to work (poured out or given away), that’s when God multiplies it into something far greater than we ever knew was possible.

God doesn’t want to just add to you; He wants to multiply what you have!

Instead of focusing on what you think “immeasurably more” might look like if something was added to you, think about what you have that seems small—maybe too small for anything significant—and consider what immeasurably more might look like if that thing was multiplied.

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Faith Over Everything

Having faith doesn’t mean that you ignore the facts. Having faith means acknowledging the reality of the circumstances but also believing that miracles can and will happen. Join Natalie Grant & Charlotte Gambill as they share how to trust God's authority and have faith in what He is doing above everything else.
