Living in the SpiritEgzanp

Living in the Spirit




More than 2,000 years ago, when the disciples and followers of Jesus were gathered at the Upper Room on the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit of God came down and baptized them with tongues of fire. This created a commotion among those gathering in Jerusalem, and apostle Peter preached the first gospel message, and three thousand were added to their number that day. Since that day, the church has been growing continually after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the disciples.

The desire and purpose of the Holy Spirit for the children of God never wane nor change. It is God's purpose and desire for all the believers of God to be filled with the Holy Spirit so that with the anointing, we would be equipped and empowered to bring the gospel to all nations around the world.


What are the characteristics of people who can receive the visitation of the Holy Spirit?

1. Repentance from the sin (v.38). 

True repentance begins when we recognized our sinful nature, turn away from it, and accept Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior. When we are led by the Holy Spirit, we allow the Holy Spirit to mold us to conform to the image of God.

Peter asked people to repent of past sins before they received the gift of the Holy Spirit. Sin has separated men from God, and men need to receive Jesus Christ in their lives and repent of their sins. Jesus Christ can then pour out the promise from the Father, the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:33)

The Holy Spirit helps us to see our spiritual situation in the eyes of God and lead us towards repentance and restoration of our relationship to God. The Holy Spirit opened the spiritual eyes of John Newton, a slave trader who later repented of his sins and gave his life to Jesus and became the preacher of the gospel. His song, Amazing Grace, depicted how the grace of God has saved him and till today, that song has continued to touch many lives.

2. Perseverance in the word of God (v.42)

The disciples were committed to apostles’ teachings, fellowship, and praying together. And today, in our present age and situation, we are all facing a difficult and challenging time not only because of the pandemic issue, but there are many issues and challenges that we are all facing nowadays. Many of us can get weary and tired not only in our physical and emotional struggles but also in our spiritual walk with God. The weariness, disappointment, discouragement, and present economic difficulties that the whole world is facing right now can affect many lives, even the church, and His people. 

The question to us is, are we able to hold fast in the Word of God and persevere in our faith during these difficult times, just what the disciple did in the old time? Perseverance in the Truth and God’s word will help us hold our ground in the Lord. The people in Jerusalem held fast to the Word of God and were eagerly learning, and they were blessed tremendously. The Holy Spirit will guide us to continue to hold God’s word and promises to keep our ground and not be easily shaken. We need the Holy Spirit more than ever before, and He loves to pour and overflow unto us if we are willing to persevere and wait upon Him faithfully. Do not be distracted by the situation, people, and other things, but fix your eyes on Him and continue to persevere.

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. - Galatians 6:9 

3. Have a Fellowship with others (v.46) 

The apostle and the believers in Jerusalem were all of one mind and heart in Christ that they were experiencing a wonderful unity. Their hearts, as it were, melted into one another. They sold their possessions and properties and shared them with anyone who is in need. The power of God is evident here because Jesus became much more important to them than their possessions.

Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:25

Fellowship shows the wonderful unity of the believers in God. To be in one heart and mind in the Lord will show the world the power of His love and the presence of God in us, which is the fulfillment of the prayer of the Lord Jesus Christ in John 17:21 that we all be one as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is one. 

Unity is one main key that opens the door for the Holy Spirit to come and move mightily to His people. Unity brings great power to God’s people to chase the enemy in the spiritual realm. (Deuteronomy 32:30a).


The Lord desires to give His children the best gift that He could ever give to us. It is none other than the Holy Spirit who is our comforter, teacher, and guide. The Holy Spirit empowers us with His knowledge, wisdom, and ability to heal and preach the gospel boldly as He knows our weaknesses, and He helps us to overcome them. 

The key is to acknowledge that we need Him, and without Him, we can do nothing. We need to humble ourselves and acknowledge that we are weak and need Him, as God will not impose Himself on us unless we had permitted and allowed Him to come and move in and through our life. 

We need to persevere to know Him deeper through the Word of God; we cannot understand and know Him fully without the Word of God because He is the Word. 

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him, nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. John 1:1-5

The key for the Holy Spirit to work effectively in our lives and ministry is when we learn to follow Jesus to seek and care for those around us. Jesus showed compassion (Matthew 14:13-21, 15:29-38) to many during His ministry on earth, and as a result, many signs and wonders took place. Hallelujah!


• Is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit essential in the life of the believers?

• What are your personal experience with the Holy Spirit visitation in your life? Share your experience.

• Pray for one another.   

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Konsènan Plan sa a

Living in the Spirit

This plan will help us understand the importance of living in the Spirit.
