[Revelation] To the Church, Part 2Egzanp

[Revelation] To the Church, Part 2


Enduring Persecution 

The church of Smyrna chose God’s approval rather than the approval of human beings. It endured persecution. 

We think Christian persecution is a thing of the past. However, according to churchinneed.org, eight Christians are killed every day and 340 million suffer harassment or persecution. Just in 2020, one thousand churches were burnt or attacked. Persecution is on the rise; we know how much Jesus talked about end times persecution.

Enduring persecution takes character, strong faith, and commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ. Many of us lack these virtues when facing insults, attacks, and deadly threats. Being able to resist and hold on to one’s faith is also a matter of who we are surrounded by. I

f we share our lives with strong believers, we can learn from their example. Such was the case of Polycarp, one of the elders of the church in Smyrna. He endured persecution and was burned at the stake at 86. He was warned that the Romans would come to apprehend him, but he refused to escape. He waited for them and refused to be tied with ropes, stating that he had accepted his death because he believed in the resurrection of the dead. Polycarp was a great example to other believers in Smyrna. He was able to encourage them to withstand afflictions and even resist to the point of death without denying their faith.

Undergoing persecution is a matter of divine grace. As 1 Corinthians 10:13 says, “…God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape that you may be able to bear it” (NKJV). God will not allow you to face torture or death because of His name if you are not prepared to do so. If you do face persecution, He will give you the strength and the grace to endure it. Remember, Jesus exhorted the apostles, telling them that the Holy Spirit would give them the words they would need to respond when taken before authorities. Ask God to prepare your heart for whatever you might face. 

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[Revelation] To the Church, Part 2

In Revelation 2, Jesus addresses several churches. The believers at the church of Smyrna suffered severe persecution. Trials can produce trust, endurance, and spiritual richness. The believers at the church of Pergamum were a congregation that was married to the Roman and Greek belief systems. Jesus rebuked them for sexual immorality and idolatry, yet He commended them for being faithful to Him and not denying their faith.
