Practicing Grace in MinistryEgzanp

Practicing Grace in Ministry


Grace in missions

Missions is the sending and going of Christ’s disciples to other cultures to help spread the gospel. Some define missions as local outreach and social involvement, but that is better understood as evangelism or outreach. 

Those who minister in cultures other than their own will find a world confused with works and legalism. False gospels and religions trap people in fear, uncertainty, futility, and self-condemnation. Assurance of salvation is impossible. Seek to ground people in the gospel of grace. It is foundational to salvation, assurance, and Christian growth. 

It is probably easier to introduce the gospel of grace in cultures that have had no witness at all. There, the hearers have no erroneous ideas about the Christian message or contrary theological baggage. Elsewhere, people often make wrong assumptions about the gospel and the Christian life, which hinder their comprehension of God’s free grace. 

To be effective, missionaries must learn the worldview of other cultures. They must work hard to observe and understand issues in their cultural context; this requires much patience. Since cultures and worldviews vary greatly, emphasize the essential truths of God’s Word. The gospel is the same for everyone, though it may need to be explained and illustrated according to the targeted culture. Persistence can bring many into the freedom of grace. 

Missionaries from a developed country who work in less developed nations can easily succumb to a superiority complex. This attitude will seep into one’s leadership style, relationships, message, and effectiveness. Recognize that our blessings are only due to God’s grace; this should keep every missionary humble. God loves the unbelieving multitudes as much as He loves us or anyone else. 

Missionaries usually find themselves in a position of great need. Leaving the familiarity of their home culture, friends, language, housing, safety, technology, food, and other comforts, they will be challenged to adjust, adapt, and depend on God’s provision. 

Grace is necessary to work with other missionaries and with locals. People will be people—with all their imperfections and idiosyncrasies. Practicing grace is the only way to survive the interpersonal and cultural challenges unique to the mission field; the ministry is full of challenges and needs that exceed our capabilities. Hold closely the precious promise of Hebrews 4:16: “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”

Do you desire a supernatural invasion of God in your natural, everyday life? Watch out for the book Living by Grace, available at Grace Theology Press  , where Rev. Mark Rae and other powerhouse authors share how to supernaturally live by grace, naturally, no matter what your role is in your family, church, or community.  

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Practicing Grace in Ministry

All Christians are called to love and serve the needs of others, but some believers are uniquely gifted to serve by leading, preaching, teaching, shepherding, evangelizing, or going cross-culturally as missionaries. Ministry begins with and is sustained by grace. This devotional plan will help you practice grace in your service to God.
