Kingdom Men Are in the Battle TogetherEgzanp

Kingdom Men Are in the Battle Together


As kingdom men, we must grab hold of those who need to be shown a better way, rather than simply writing them off. We must do the hard work of helping our struggling brothers along. Paul called on Timothy and others under his influence to follow his example, just as he followed Christ. 

Keep in mind that to have an example to follow means there must be someone setting one. This requires living in a spiritually mature manner and guiding others in how they can do likewise. Our focus must be upon both ongoing personal growth and making an intentional investment in others.

While many of us are waiting on God to step in and fix what is wrong, God is waiting on us to step up as men of faith and do what is right. He is waiting for men who don’t just talk about faith but walk in it. These are the men whose actions demonstrate that they truly believe in the God they claim to worship.

So, let’s make intentional investments in our relationships, helping each other learn and grow in faith. The formal term for this is discipleship. We are called to live as kingdom disciples, pursuing the making and replicating of more kingdom disciples throughout our communities, our nation, and the world. 

As we do this, God’s kingdom agenda will march forward on earth.

What are you doing to “replicate the process” of discipleship in the lives of others?

Why should discipleship be a priority in our lives?

We hope this plan encouraged you. Learn more about Tony Evans and Kingdom  Men Rising here. 

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Kingdom Men Are in the Battle Together

If you want to be a kingdom man, seeking to live your life in submission to God’s kingdom rule, you need to learn that you cannot do it alone. We need the support and strength that comes from other kingdom men—to carry each other’s burdens and point each other toward the kingdom agenda. Let Tony Evans, bestselling author of Kingdom Men Rising, help you find strength in your relationships.
