Five Steps From Struggling to Thriving in BusinessEgzanp

Five Steps From Struggling to Thriving in Business


Five Steps From Struggling to Thriving in Business - Part II

Over the years, between my banking and consulting career, I’ve helped many businesses become more profitable. In this series, we’re talking about five steps to move from struggling to thriving in business. 

The second step is to Raise Cash. Struggling businesses are always cash starved. 

Let me share two ways to raise cash. First, many businesses have unproductive or underproductive assets––underutilized equipment, inventory or accounts receivable. These can be converted to cash. Second, begin slashing unnecessary expenses.

In Exodus 4:2 God said to Moses, “What is that in your hand?” And he said, “A staff.” 

God used an unproductive asset of Moses to become a productive tool that stunned Pharaoh. What do you own that God can use to provide much-needed cash for your business?

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Five Steps From Struggling to Thriving in Business

Healthy businesses have financial stability. In this plan, Rick Boxx offers five steps that can turn a struggling business into a thriving one and get your business back on solid financial footing.
