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RARE Relationships


Your perfect Father

What do you think God was doing before He created the world? Take a moment and think about it.

If we believe Jesus’ words in John 17:24, we can know at least one thing that God was doing before creating the world… Apparently God the Father was loving His Son Jesus! Now if we look at Luke 3:21-22, we will also learn that He communicates this love through the Holy Spirit.

Our focus today is not on understanding the doctrine of the Trinity, but it is on understanding that God invites us all to join this community of love which has been established from eternity.

Louie Giglio once said that when you accepted Christ as your savior, you didn’t just believe in something, but you became someone. John 1 says that you became a child of God, but what does that mean exactly?

Think about your relationship with your parents. Some of you reading this devotional may have an amazing relationship with your mom and/or dad, and that truly is something to be eternally grateful for! Some of you, however, may not be able to say the same. The common ground, however, is that all of our parents are far from perfect, but the truth is that God is the perfection of your earthly father or mother! This is hard for us to imagine though, because we’ve never known perfection. Although you may have no choice to but to look like your mom and dad, your goal should be to become like your Heavenly Father. That’s why your relationship with Him is so vital!

From eternity, the Father has loved the Son through the Holy Spirit. He sent the Son into the world to show you what He is like so that you might follow Him and become like Him. The best part, however, is that He did all of this because He loves you. You didn’t (and you never will have to) earn His love. God’s love is not reserved, and He doesn’t make anyone compete for it. No one can claim to deserve it, and it is always available to those who come to Him. 

If you have never received God’s love and His gift of salvation, today is the day to do so. If you are making that decision, will you let someone know who will encourage you and get you pointed in the right direction to be discipled?

If you have received God’s love and salvation, what is the aspect of your Heavenly Father that you find the most amazing? What are you doing today to be like Him in that area?

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RARE Relationships

Would you agree that a godly relationship is rare? We often hear about the need for our romantic relationships to be godly, but have you ever thought about whether or not all of your relationships are godly? As Christ followers, we're called to walk in His example. This week, we will explore some relationships that don't get enough attention, and how to strive for godliness in each of them.
