Everything I NeedEgzanp

Everything I Need


Very often, when I think that I desperately want or need something new in my life, what I’m really craving is God’s presence, God’s voice, and God’s Word. In His presence, fear flees faster than the tiny lizards that line my path on a South Florida sidewalk, peace falls like a warm blanket on a snowy day, and dreams leap and dance with newfound delight.  

Dreams that we didn’t even know existed in our hearts.  

In His presence, we dream in new ways. We align with His heart because He abides in ours and transforms us from the inside out. We find purpose through the Truth of His Word. In His presence, anything we ever needed simply overflows in every aspect of our lives. Out of that abundance we create with the Master Creator, and the Master Creator creates through us.  

He is always and forever crafting new things out of the old and dried up areas in your life. God doesn’t simply change your circumstances and battles, but writes NEW stories, NEW memories, and NEW adventures.  

God’s presence makes broken things whole. Not because of anything we have done, but because He is whole. He is unbroken; He is undamaged. He is not divided or disjoined; He isn’t injured or impaired. He isn’t wounded; He is complete. He isn’t hurt. He is sound. 

And through Jesus Christ, we are also whole. We are made new in His presence.

There is nothing like pressing into His presence in pursuit of our portion through Him. There is nothing like pursuing the Provider.

Pursue your Provider with praise & thankfulness, with worship, and with the truth of His Word.

And don’t always try to pursue by yourself, even when it is awkward or embarrassing. Fight through the desire to retreat to the comfort of solitude on your couch (or with the empty company of Netflix). Where there are two or more gathered in His name, God has promised to be there. I’ve seen amazingly powerful miracles done in the hearts and bodies of those who seek God together… I’ve had them happen in my own life. Get in community and stay in community. It’s how we were made to grow. 

Proclaim that God is the God over every good and bad season, both the dry and the fruitful seasons, and the busy and the restful seasons. He wants to hear us proclaim this truth, because His truth is good and strong. When we speak His truth, we find joy and we become grateful. He desires our thankfulness, our praise, and our worship because He knows it will remind us that He is on the throne and has already gone ahead of anything we may be facing today.   

My heart beats for you, the reader of these words. More than anything, I want you to know Him, and just how good He is. He doesn’t leave us on our own, He doesn’t sit back and watch us fend for ourselves when we ask for His help. 

He has promised us that when we seek Him, we will find Him. Regardless of where we are, and how we got there, God has a perfect portion waiting for us.

Closing Reflection and Prayer

God, every good and perfect gift comes from You, and we can’t even fathom what You have in store for us in the future… but we do know that You have already secured it, already paid for it, already laid out a path for us to get it.

God, we want to be where You are. We want to see Your face, to hear Your voice, to be in the very presence of perfect Love. Love undefiled. Love as pure as the cry of a newly born babe.  

Come meet the person reading this right where they are at this moment, for You know them completely. You know the struggles, the battles, the failures, and the mountains they are fighting against. You know what is needed to win, and You already have it secured. More than the good gifts You bring to us all, bring Your presence to them right now.

In the tension, in the darkness, in the battle, in the wilderness, we will not stop praising You, worshipping You, crying out for You, trusting You, humbling ourselves to You, and remembering how You have faithfully brought us here.

We wait expectantly for You, O Lord. You are our perfect portion. You are everything we need.

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Everything I Need

God has gone before us and protects us from behind. He has our battles already handled. He has the blindside covered. He isn’t surprised by curveballs. This focused 3-day devotional will leave you encouraged in the truth that God is the provider of the exact portion, the exact measure, for your life.
