1&2 Timothy: Priorities & Principles In LeadershipEgzanp

1&2 Timothy: Priorities & Principles In Leadership

JOU 3 SOU 14

Please God in Worship

Churches practise different worship styles at their Sunday services. Some emphasise good stirring music and songs to help its members engage emotionally with God. Others may prefer a quiet meditative liturgical approach. God is a God of variety and He welcomes His children to worship Him in different ways.

Worship is all about Jesus, not about us. We seek to please Him, our Saviour who wants all men to know Him and be saved. Our worship should draw others to Him, not turn them away. We must be reverent in worship and only allow that which points people to Christ and not distract them from Him.

There are certain central elements that should be present in our church worship:

Prayer: We should pray and give thanks for everyone especially the ruling authorities so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This will facilitate the sharing of the Gospel so that all men can come to a saving knowledge of Christ. We should lift up our holy hands in prayer without anger or disputing.

Modest Attire: We should dress decently and modestly. The church should not be a place for fashion parades. Women especially are not to be influenced by fashion fads and are not to dress to draw attention to themselves.

Order: There should be order in worship. There is to be no chit-chatting when God’s word is being taught in church.

May we all honour the Lord each time we gather in His Name.

Is Christ pleased with the way we worship Him in our church?

Does my dressing and my conduct in church glorify God?
Jou 2Jou 4

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1&2 Timothy: Priorities & Principles In Leadership

These readings from Scripture Union Peninsular Malaysia are written from the thoughts and insights of Asian writers. Paul lays down the priorities and principles of leadership in the church, and for dealing with practical matters in church life. He emphasises the personal life and example of the leader, not methods or techniques, with himself as the role-model.
