Be the Branch: A Guide Through John 15Egzanp

Be the Branch: A Guide Through John 15


Think About It

Sticks cannot be trees. If a branch decides it is tired of existing as an extension of the vine and sets off on its own, it does not become another vine. It becomes firewood. Jesus’ warning in these verses is not harsh or dramatic; it’s the truth. Jesus loved His disciples too much to let them believe that there was any kind of sustainable future apart from Him. God did not create us to be gods. He created us to reflect that He is God. Any other purpose is as empty as dry kindling.

But these verses don’t just come with a warning; they contain a promise. Jesus wanted His disciples to know that when they’re connected to Him, their prayers will be different. If a stick on the ground asks the vine above to give it fruit, the effort is empty and futile. If a healthy branch connected to the vine asks to be given fruit, it’s to the glory of the vine to produce fruit abundantly. 

Jesus wasn’t promising the disciples that He’d be their magic genie, granting whatever wish popped into their mind. He was reminding them—and us—that transformation happens through connection. The more ingrained in His presence we become, the more our desire to bring Him glory will increase, and the more fruit He will produce through us. 

The message is clear: apart from Jesus, we’re nothing. With Him, we experience the life we were created to live—as bearers of His fruit!

Live It Out

  • Are you disconnected from the source of all life, growth, and hope? Repent and turn to God, who eagerly waits to give you abundant life.
  • How have your prayers changed as you’ve grown closer to Christ? Are you boldly and confidently asking Him to produce fruit in your life for His glory?
  • Spend some time today reflecting on the fruit the Holy Spirit produces in the lives of those connected to Him. Do you see evidence of this fruit in your life? Consider why or why not that might be, and ask God to transform you through connection with Him.
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Be the Branch: A Guide Through John 15

As Jesus considered His last remaining moments with His disciples before His crucifixion, He made sure they knew everything that was most important for the uncertain future they were walking into. In John 15, Jesus reminded His disciples that they were created for connection—with God and one another. For them to thrive after His death, they were going to need to learn to "be the branch."
