Hallelujah Even Here: A 5 Day Devotional by Lydia LairdEgzanp

Hallelujah Even Here: A 5 Day Devotional by Lydia Laird


“Right here, when I just can’t understand
I’ll lift my hands”

When I was a child, anytime I was scared, got hurt, or didn’t understand something, I'd run to my parents because I knew I was safe there.  I trusted that they were in control, loved me, and would hold me through whatever I was facing. Even if things were still scary, my heart could rest, knowing that I could trust the arms holding me.  

This is exactly how God wants us to look at Him.  Psalm 103:13 says, “The Lord is like a father to His children, tender and compassionate to those who fear Him.”  Just like a good earthly father, He wants you to run to him with any fear or burden so He can give you peace.

Maybe you didn’t have parents like mine who helped you understand God’s love at an early age... If that’s the case, let me describe the kind of love the Father has for YOU, His precious child. 

His love is unconditional… You can’t lose it, no matter how badly you mess up (Psalm 103:1). 

His love is patient and kind… He doesn’t get angry at you or annoyed when you have questions (Psalm 86:15).

His love cares...  He knows the storm you’re going through isn’t forever.  He even knows the redemption and good He can bring from it, and yet, He hurts when you hurt.  He wants you to come to Him with every unattractive, honest emotion… and like a good Father, He wants to pull you close and comfort you.

His love is like no other love on this earth… and you can trust it.

You wouldn’t be reading this if you weren’t walking through something difficult… and honestly, I wouldn’t have written the song, “Hallelujah Even Here,” if I hadn't been walking through something difficult… but, God brought beauty out of my valley, and He'll do the same for you.  I want to encourage you to lift your hands today.  Lift them in worship because of who God is, even here.  But also, lift your hands to a Father who loves you and wants to hold you close as He leads you through whatever you're facing.  He’s already written the end of your story, and you do win in the end… In the meantime, you can trust the Man who died for you.  

With you and love you, 


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Hallelujah Even Here: A 5 Day Devotional by Lydia Laird

In this broken world, suffering is no stranger to any of us… You may be facing a storm right now that has you feeling hopeless, but thank God that our feelings do not determine His faithfulness! He sees you. He cares. He’s able. I hope by the end of this devotional, you are reminded where your peace is found as you give Him your “Hallelujah Even Here.” 🖤 -Lydia Laird
