Relationship GoalsEgzanp

Relationship Goals


“Put Your Faith in God”

Maybe, in the course of working through these devotionals, you have made a life-altering decision. You have decided to try to start a new relationship, or you have decided to end a bad relationship. Or take a break from dating to focus on your relationship with God. Or repent of sin. Or set some new standards for your behavior before marriage. Or recommit to your marriage. Or resurrect an old dream that you thought had died inside you. Or put your priority back on God.

Whatever it is, I’m proud of you. This is what these devotionals have all been about—you taking aim in alignment with God’s goals for you. And let me assure you—you can hit your bull’s-eye.

Even if you can’t remember how many people you’ve slept with and yet still feel horribly alone. Even if bad memories and foolish past associations seem like they’ll never let go. Even if you’ve been divorced three times. Even if you realize that getting rid of all your friends whose bad company is corrupting your good character would leave you friendless for the time being. Even if you’ve tried and failed to be faithful to God many times, and the thought of trying again just makes you weary. Even then, next time around can be different. 

That’s because you’re not doing this alone. You’re not putting your trust in yourself. You’re not putting your trust in a friend’s or family member’s example, like it’s some default you have to mindlessly copy. You’re not putting your trust in a social media profile, dating app, or “how to win friends and influence people” course. You’re putting your trust in God.

Remember, “God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him” (Philippians 2:13). I think He’s already given you the desire. Now He’s going to give you the power too. He’s going to help you find relationships that will honor Him at the same time they give you more satisfaction and greater fulfillment.

Pray a prayer of commitment to trust in God’s power and follow His leading to pursue the right kinds of relationships.


We hope this Plan encouraged you.  Learn More about RELATIONSHIP GOALS.   

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Relationship Goals

Search for #RelationshipGoals on social media, and you’ll find seemingly perfect images of couples in love. But what if the vision of relationship that our society is selling is a mirage? Pastor Michael Todd has written Relationship Goals: How to Win at Dating, Marriage, and Sex about having relationship goals that come from God and align with who He has made us to be.
