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The Whole Story: A Life in God's Kingdom, Part TwoEgzanp

The Whole Story: A Life in God's Kingdom, Part Two

JOU 18 SOU 29

Daily Reflection: In the account of the gospel, according to Mark, this is the second time in which we see Jesus miraculous feed a large group of people – his family. In this case, Jesus is moved to provide a meal for these Gentiles as he feared they would not be able to make the trip home. Turning to the disciples, Christ asked for their help to both collect food and distribute it. Interestingly, they come with confusion as to how they will find this much food – a miracle they had seen Jesus already perform. How quickly they forgot the miraculous things that occur when Jesus is moved to care for his family.

Daily Demonstration: Often, we respond with doubt to God in matters which we have seen him successfully provide. It is almost as though we are surprised when he performs miracles in our life or the lives of those around us – despite our having seen it before. What are some areas of need that maybe you have seen God provide before? Pray today that any doubt of God’s ability would be shattered, and instead, an expectant faith would rise within you. Pray some big prayers today!

Jou 17Jou 19

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The Whole Story: A Life in God's Kingdom, Part Two

The word “family” can mean many different things to different people. Often, when people speak of family, they mean their blood relatives, specifically those with whom they live. When Christians speak of family, we also ...


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