The GiftEgzanp

The Gift


Worship Jesus for What He Has Done—Our Savior

What’s the best gift you’ve ever been given?

Maybe it was just a thoughtful, well-timed gift that someone you love surprised you with. Maybe it was a gift that cost more than you think you deserve. Maybe it was something you never even knew you wanted.

Even though we could never deserve it or earn it, Jesus made a huge sacrifice just for us. While we were still sinners—knowing our mistakes and before we could ever love Him back—Jesus chose to die for us so that we could choose to have a relationship with God.

That fact alone should fill us with wonder and gratitude—and like the wise men, it should cause us to worship.

As they worshiped Jesus, the wise men gave Jesus a final gift: myrrh.

Myrrh had many different uses but was mostly associated with suffering and death. Myrrh was used as an anointing oil in the Old Testament to prepare the temple and priests or leaders. It was also used in the New Testament as an embalming oil and as a medicine that eased suffering for people being crucified.

Just like the other gifts, myrrh foreshadowed who Jesus would be:

  1. The Anointed One. Jesus was anointed by the Holy Spirit to preach the gospel, to heal us, and to set us free (Luke 4:16-19).
  2. A Suffering Servant.  Jesus didn’t drink the myrrh to ease His torment on the cross (Mark 15:23). He took on the full weight of our sins and took on all of the pain and suffering for us. And throughout His ministry, we see Jesus’ servant heart.
  3. The Ultimate Sacrifice. Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice—His life for ours. He suffered and paid for sins He never committed.

As you think about all that Jesus did and accomplished during His ministry on earth, let yourself be led to worship. That worship can look like a lot of different things. Maybe it’s showing Jesus gratitude by praising Him for who He is. Maybe it’s suffering for Christ. Maybe it’s extending Christ-like grace and love to others. Worship is something the wise men modeled for us that’s still completely relevant in our lives today.

The holiday season can get so busy, and there are so many moving parts. Like the wise men, may we remember and honor the gift Jesus gave us. May we never get so busy or distracted that we forget to remember the One we’re actually celebrating and the best Gift we have.

Pray: Lord, thank You for suffering for me and giving me the best gift of all—Your life. What an awesome gift and sacrifice you made, Jesus. I honestly can’t thank You enough. Please remind me of Your grace and Your love today, and help me to have the same sacrificial and servant heart You do. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Practice: Take the extra time or energy to extend grace, love, or kindness to someone today.

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Konsènan Plan sa a

The Gift

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but we often find ourselves hustling through the holidays. This Christmas, what if we reclaimed wonder? In this 5-day Bible Plan accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s series, The Gift, we’ll discover how the three gifts the wise men gave Jesus can lead us to a place of wonder and worship today.
