A Desert TransformedEgzanp

A Desert Transformed


The Lord is My Shepherd 

 Where are you on your journey through the wilderness today? 

David begins his heartfelt description of the Lord as his shepherd by focusing on the Lord’s care for him. “I will not lack” he says. This is a great example of Spirit-inspired positive self-talk. He was telling his innermost being, “You won’t lack, God Himself is looking after you. He is your shepherd. He knows exactly what help you need…”

Like many of us, David knew rejection and his circumstances were far from comfortable. He was out in the wilderness day and night, with the sheep his only companions.

Are you, like David, feeling lonely and daunted at the moment? How are you dealing with it? The Lord is your shepherd just as much as He was David’s. He is there to guide you to those still waters where you can drink and be at rest. 

David also affirmed that, “He guides me along the right paths for His name’s sake.” Many paths in the desert are dangerous, even deadly. Similarly, some of the paths we take when we respond to difficulties can be deadly. A friend recently experienced bullying at work. She didn’t know what to do or who she could talk to, so squashed all her feelings down in an effort to cope, but that has resulted in deep depression and anger. 

What kind of path have you chosen? Is it working for you?

David’s way was to walk the path of healing. He opened his heart up to the Lord and discovered the wonder of His provision and care. He then began reminding himself of how lovingly God was looking after him and would continue to guide and provide for him.

How did David come to know the Lord as his shepherd? I believe David began to sense the Lord speaking to him through the things he was doing every day. In other words, his very job became a channel of God’s voice to him.

Will God reassure you and me like that? Remember He has no favourites.


As your shepherd, God wants to guide you into a place of soul restoration. He is alongside you and encourages you to listen for His whisper today.

Pray with me…

Thank you, Lord, that you are my shepherd and with you I lack nothing. Amen.

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A Desert Transformed

At times areas of our lives are like a wilderness: grief, loss of hope, rejection all play their part. But during these times, God loves to come alongside with His deep compassion and love. The Bible is full of stories of how God brought wonderful transformation in people’s lives. Father God can do the same today, to bring joy to your wilderness and transform your desert into a living stream.
