Hot Mess - Thriving As A MomEgzanp

Hot Mess - Thriving As A Mom



If there is one thing a mom never gets tired of hearing, it’s “I love you!” When life is a Hot Mess, these words are life-giving. Unfortunately, in the busyness of life, these words tend to be replaced with “What’s for dinner?,” “I can’t find my coat,” and “I just had an accident.”

So, to all the flustered and wearied moms with hot messes, please hear these words:

I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness. – Jeremiah 31:3

Moms, you are loved! If it's been a while since you’ve heard it, then hear it now. You are loved by your spouses, children, friends, and family. And most important of all, you are loved by God. As you reflect on this truth, keep in mind the following:

  • God loved you before you ever loved him (1 John 4:19).
  • Nothing can separate you from God’s love (Romans 8:38-39).
  • God’s desire is for you to explore His endless love (Ephesians 3:18).
  • God’s love for you will never end (Lamentations 3:22).

Knowing that you are loved by God is the key to finding success in the mess. For all moms, it is vitally important that you know there is nothing you could ever do to make God love you more or less. He has chosen to love you, and He will never take this choice back!


In the midst of the mess, do you ever wonder if God truly loves you? Remember this, God sent his Son because of His unfailing love. There quite simply is nothing more He could do to show you the depth of His everlasting love.


Father, thank you for your love. There are times when I forget, but your word is clear that you always have and always will love me with all that you are. Help me to remember, receive and rest in your love.


Close this devotion by sharing with others what God’s love has meant to you, especially as it relates to being a mother. Be sure and tag your post with #BlessedHotMess.

 Looking for some ideas to make this Mother's Day special? We got you covered.  

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Hot Mess - Thriving As A Mom

Few things tempt a woman to keep up appearances more than being a mom. You’re expected to have it all perfectly together. No matter what others may see, you know the truth. Behind the scenes, your life is a hot mess. The question is: Is that a bad thing?
