Defeating DepressionEgzanp

Defeating Depression


         I grew up hearing that old adage, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me.” 

        What a lie! The kids in school always made fun of me because I was from the country. They made fun of me because we didn’t have inside plumbing. Sometimes, my nickname was “Outhouse.” 

       They made fun of me because I was tall and skinny for my age and had long arms, and they made fun of me because I made “A’s.” They called me “Skinny Minnie,” and “Olive Oil.” Sometimes I was “Worm.” Every day was a challenge for me, but if words couldn’t hurt me, why did I cry so much when the kids’ said things that hurt my feelings? 

        Through the years I discovered that words heal and they hurt. Scripture has a lot to say about our words. Proverbs 21:23 says we can get ourselves in trouble with our own words. Proverbs 18 says our words (tongue) can heal us or they can kill us. James 3:3 says our tongue determines our path in life, and Matthew 12 says we are justified by our own words and condemned by our own words. What you say is what you get. It is time now to focus on what you have learned and stop confessing depression. You have made the step to begin the healing process from this evil disease. Don’t miss out on the plans that God has for you because of what you say or the words that you take in. 

        Follow through on your devotionals, starting over every time you finish a plan. This is the day that you will begin to be intentional about confessing your healing. Don’t continue to confess the big problem. Today begin confessing that your God is bigger. 

        Remember the steps in this journey: meditate on the Word, praise Him for your progress, and continue walking by faith. Turn to prayer and turn to scripture, yes. But now you must turn to speaking those scriptures over the situation. Allow God to keep his promises to you. What you say is what you get. Change your words!

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Defeating Depression

So many people find themselves trapped by the pit of depression. This study will help you grasp God’s plan for your deliverance.
