Debt Free: God's Promise, Our Duty & Your FreedomEgzanp

Debt Free: God's Promise, Our Duty & Your Freedom


“The more you give, the less you need.” ― Stephen Richards


Everything Jesus taught was done in an effort to build His new Kingdom. He spoke Kingdom truths. Shared Kingdom secrets. And encouraged Kingdom economics.

The central point to understanding God’s Kingdom is recognizing its upside-down nature. It’s a place where left is right and down is up, the last are first, the poor are rich, and to give is to receive.

The backwards nature of Jesus' Kingdom sent many who couldn't understand it away. They thought Jesus' way of doing things seemed worse, illogical, and even dangerous. And some of them were right.

To the people winning in the current unfair system, the one Jesus threatened to break, His way of doing things was worse. His way of repairing the world scared them because of their scarcity mindset.

You see, in their world, the only way to have more was to make sure others had less. In God's world, in Jesus' Kingdom, abundance is the rule. The upside-down nature tells us that as we ensure others have all they need, we are given all we need and more. Deuteronomy 15:4 literally says "there need be no poor people among you."

How amazing would that be? How effective could the church be if not a single Christian remained in debt? How could this even be possible?

By becoming a source.

God is calling us to give. God is calling us to lend, us to be the masters, us to be the means of God’s provision in the world. 

For some of you, this will mean giving to your church. For others, God may have already laid a person on your heart. And for a select few, God may lead you to give to a complete stranger.

God is ready and able to bless your obedience. He is ready to send His miracles, honor your prayers, and multiply your sacrifices.

The lines have been drawn. This is where you stand. This is where you go on the offensive because your debt’s days are numbered and the purpose God has for you is just getting started. 


Begin the next leg of your journey towards debt-freedom here !

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Debt Free: God's Promise, Our Duty & Your Freedom

What you believe about your debt will either help or hinder your ability to conquer it. Over the next 7 days, experience what God's truth says about your situation and the Biblical strategy available to you to overcome it.
