Killing It: A Study Of 1 CorinthiansEgzanp

Killing It: A Study Of 1 Corinthians

JOU 8 SOU 10

In the ancient world, and Corinth, ‘boasting’ was a technical term for being able to appropriatly promote your self and your interests.  It was an accepted and even admired virture.

“How to praise oneself inoffensively” was a work by Plutarch.

In the shadow of the cross, we must learn to talk differently.

NOT because God wants people of low-esteem, or who think they lack competencies.

Because a boastful life is centered in the self, and the self must be de-centered if I am to live a flourishing life.

Reflect on the conversations you've had in the last week. Did you take opportunities to listen and encourage others? Or did you use these moments to slip your achievements?

Reflect on the things you post on social media. Do you use these platforms to make yourself look great? Do you secretly desire to make others envious of your life? How can you use social media to benefit and lift others up?

Jou 7Jou 9

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Killing It: A Study Of 1 Corinthians

Follow along as we reflect on the idea that #KillingIt  is "killing us." This series will be inspired by the first 2 chapters of the book of 1 Corinthians, looking at Paul's intro into how to live a life in the way of the cross. "For the message of the cross if foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." 1 Corinthians 1:18
