Prayer Reset by Bob SorgeEgzanp

Prayer Reset by Bob Sorge

JOU 3 SOU 12

Day 3: FIGHT

Reminder: Yesterday we decided to devote the next 12 days to this prayer RESET. Tell the Lord again that you’re resolved, by His grace, to go to the finish.

Distractions. They’re probably the most universal hindrance to prayer. When we decide to pray, it seems like everything in creation collaborates to pull our attention in other directions. I urge you, therefore, to demonize distractions. View anything seeking to draw you away from prayer as your enemy. 

Declare war. Mobilize an offensive against every distraction. You have an enemy who doesn’t want you praying.

Prayer assumes there will be a fight. Paul spoke of the believer’s warfare in Ephesians 6. He urged us to put on the whole armor of God so we can stand against the wiles of the devil. He told us to clothe our­selves with truth, righteousness, the preparation of the gospel of peace, and the shield of faith. We get clothed with the armor of God so that we can pray, as Paul wrote:  

"Take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit." (Ephesians 6:17-18) 

Jesus calls us to pray, but the devil tries to use distractions to steal our prayer life from us. 

What things distract you from praying? Maybe it is things like the computer, phone, chores, a busy schedule, social media, TV, etc. Take a moment and list the main things that distract your prayer time. 

Personally, one of my big distractions during prayer is that I often think of small tasks I need to do. So I simply write them down. Knowing I won’t forget them now, I can push them aside and return to prayer. 


  • Talk to the Lord about the distractions that derail you most.
  • Ask Him for specific strategies to combat these distractions. 
  • Ask for a militant spirit to fight fiercely for a faithful prayer life. 


To go deeper, go to Bob Sorge’s book, RESET: 20 Ways to a Consistent Prayer Life. Available in paperback and eBook. Click here: .

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Prayer Reset by Bob Sorge

RESET your prayer life. Throughout this 12-day devotional, you will be equipped to respond to Jesus’ invitation into a vibrant prayer life. Each day establishes a building block in the foundations of a consistent, delightful, abiding relationship with Christ. Even if previous attempts have sputtered, hit RESET. It's a new day. Launch a prayer habit that will continue all your days.   
