From Powerless To PowerfulEgzanp

From Powerless To Powerful


Prediction and Location

Moses predicted all of the plagues. He clearly said the timing, the location and the purpose of each miracle—before they happened. God uses the prophetic declaration of the future to establish credibility. In the case of Jesus alone, more than 300 prophecies were stated before He ever came. His birth, life, death and second coming are all documented in the Old Testament, hundreds or thousands of years before the manger. 

Imagine if the news were to announce that it would soon rain and that of a dozen people on a certain sidewalk, rain would fall only on three of them—and then the anchorman said on which three! If these things did happen as predicted, you would be less likely to attribute them to chance. Instead, you would likely think the station possessed some supernatural power, and you would probably pay close attention to the next thing they said. The timing, location, purpose and prediction of the 10 plagues show that is God’s power at work through Moses.

The plagues were specifically predicted in location, not randomly experienced. Basically, they affected the Egyptians, not the Jews. The plague of darkness covered all Egypt for three days, but all the Israelites had light in the places where they lived. With the exactness of a GPS coordinate, the missiles of each plague struck on a dime. 

These things can give us assurance on our burning-bush journey. God is in the know, even when we don’t have a clue. Right now, God is orchestrating opportunities for you to discover Him more deeply. Tomorrow and the day after that may present you with a choice to be selfless or selfish. A decision is headed your way that your last fortune cookie cannot adequately prepare you for. That decision is not a surprise to God. His timing, location, purpose and knowledge are acting in unison to lead you another step. His will always comes with His power. 

Moses trusted God’s ability to predict the future. But will we take what we’ve seen and trust Him for our future? Corrie ten Boom wisely said, “Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.” The God we seek daily knows daily what is ahead. Understanding what makes a miracle miraculous helps us identify God’s work in our lives. Personalizing these truths is the key to changing our day’s headline from “Powerless” to “Powerful.”

If you want to get Gregg Matte’s book, Finding God’s Will, please visit: 

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From Powerless To Powerful

God is our power source. There is absolutely no question about the little progress we could make His kingdom achieve if we were left to our own devices. The plagues God sent on the Egyptians had all over them the tell-tale signs of true miracles. In our own journey of discovery of the will of God, we can expect the unexpected—for God to show up with His awesome power.
