In the beginning ד

1and the man has known his wife Chavah, and she is conceived having become, and has given birth to Kayin, and she has said: I have obtained a man by Hashem. 2and she has again given birth to – his brother Hevel.
and Hevel is having been a shepherd of sheep, and Cain is having been an farmer. 3and it is having been yet a course of time of days, has Kayin brought of the fruit of the earth a korban to Hashem. 4and Hevel, he also has brought of the firstlings of his sheep and of their fat. and Hashem has self turned to Hevel and to his korban, 5and to Kayin and to his korban has he self not turned. has Kayin very they angered, and his face is downcast. 6has Hashem said to Kayin: why annoyed you, and why is downcast your face? 7for surely, if you (sg) will good things do will you(sg) accepted become, and if you (sg) will not good things do, crouch the sin by the door; and to you(SG) is its desire, but you (sg) you(SG) must rule over it.
8has Kayin spoken to his brother Hevel. and it is having been, like they are having been in field, thus is Kayin arose against his brother Hevel, and has him killed.
9has Hashem said to Kayin: where is your brother Hevel? has he said: I know not; am I then the keeper of my brother? 10has he said: what have you (sg) done? the voice of your brother's blood cry to me from the ground. 11and now, cursed shall you (sg) be from the ground which has opened its mouth allowed in your brother's blood from your hand. 12that you (sg) will cultivate the ground, shall she for you(SG) more not give its strength; wanderer shall you (sg) be on the earth. 13has Kayin said to Hashem: my punishment is to great bear, transport. 14behold have you (sg) myself today driven away from the face of land, and from your face will I be hidden, and I will be wanderer on the earth; will be, who indeed it meet up myself will myself kill. 15has Hashem to him said: assuredly who indeed it kill Kayin shall seven times taken become vengeance of him. and Hashem has made Kayin a sign, that no one which meet up him, shall him not kill.
16and Kayin is went out from before Hashem, and has self settled in land Nod, in east of Eden. 17and Kayin has known his wife, and she is conceive having become, and has given birth to Enoch. and he has built a city, and has called the name of the city thus like the name of his son, Chanokh. 18and by Chanokh is given birth to having become Irad, and Irad has given birth to Mechuyael, and Mechuyael has given birth to Metuchael, and Metushael has given birth to Lamech. 19and Lamech has self taken two wives; the name of one is having been Adah, and the name of the second Tzilah. 20and Adah has given birth to Yaval; he is having been the father of that which sit in tents and have livestock. 21and the name of his brother is having been Yuval; he is having been the father of all which hold a harp and a flute. 22and Tzilah, she also has given birth to Tuval-Kayin, the forger of every bronze and iron tools; and the sister of Tuval-Kayin is having been Na'amah.
23and Lamech has said to his wives:
Adah and Tzilah, hear my voice,
wives of Lamech, attention my word;
for I kill a man for my wound,
and a boy for my contusion/wound;
24because seven times shall be taken for Kayin vengeance,
for Lamech but seven and seventy.
25and Adam has again known his wife, and she has given birth to a son, and has called his name Shet, because: G-d has me appointed an other seed in place of Hevel, due to Kayin has him killed. 26and to Shet, by him also is given birth to having become a son, and he has called his name Enosh. then has they begin call to the name Hashem.

Pati Souliye




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