In the beginning לה

1and G-d has said to Yaakov: stand up, go up to Beit-El and sit there, and make there an altar to the G-d (El) who has self appeared to you(SG) by your fleeing from your brother Esav.
2has Yaakov said to his household, and to all who with him: do away the foreign g-ds which among you (PL), and cleanse you (PL), and change over your (PL) clothes. 3and let us stand up and go up to Beit-El, and I will there make an altar to the G-d (El) who has me answered in day of my destitution, and is having been with me on the way which I am having gone.
4have they turned in to Yaakov all foreign g-ds which in their hand, and the earrings which in their ears; and Yaakov has them buried under the terebinth which by Shechem. 5and they have journeyed; and a terror from G-d is having been on the cities which round them, and they have not pursued the sons of Yaakov.
6and Yaakov is having come to Luz which in land Canaan – this is Beit-El – he and this whole people which with him. 7and he has there built an altar, and has called the place El Beit-El, for there has self G-d reveal to him by his fleeing from his brother.
8and Devorah, Rivkah's wet nurse, is died, and she is buried having become under Beit-El, under the terebinth; and he has called its name Alon Bachut.
9and G-d has self again appeared to Yaakov at his coming from Paddanah-Aram, and He has him blessed. 10and G-d has to him said: your name is Yaakov; shall more not called become your name Yaakov, but Yisroel shall be your name; and he has called his name Yisroel. 11and G-d has to him said: I am G-d (El) Shaddai, fruitful you and increase you; a people and a company of peoples shall become from you(SG), and kings shall go out from your loins. 12and this land which I have given Avraham and Yitzchak, you(SG) will I it give, and your seed after you(SG) will I give this land.
13and G-d has self lifted up/ascended from over him in the place where he has with him spoken. 14and Yaakov has set up a pillar on the place where He has with him spoken, a pillar of stone, and he has poured on it a drink offering, and poured on it oil. 15and Yaakov has called the name of the place where G-d has spoken with him there, Beit-El.
16and they have journeyed from Beit-El. and when it is yet having been a stretch land to come to Ephratah, is Rachel having gone to child (labor), and she has have had a difficult childbirth. 17and it is having been, in her hard childbirth (labor), has the midwife to her said: you(SG) must not fear have, for also this is you(SG) a son. 18and it is having been, when her soul is expired/departing, while she is died, has she called his name Ben-Oni; but his father has him called Binyamin.
19and Rachel is died, and she is buried having become on road to Ephratah, this is Beit-Lechem. 20and Yaakov has stood a monument on her tomb; this is the monument of Rachel's tomb until on today.
21and Israel has journeyed, and he has set up his tent from that side Migdal-Eder.
22and it is having been when Yisroel has dwelt in that land, is having gone Reuven and is lay with Bilhah, his father's concubine; and Yisroel has it heard. and the sons of Yaakov are having been twelve: 23the sons of Leah: Yaakov's firstborn Reuven, and Shim'on, and Levi, and Yehudah, and Yissakhar, and Zevulun; 24the sons of Rachel: Yosef and Binyamin; 25and the sons of Bilhah, Rachel's female servant: Dan and Naphtali; 26and the sons of Zilpah, Leah's female servant: Gad and Asher. these are the sons of Yaakov, who are to him given birth to having become in Paddanah-Aram.
27and Yaakov is having come to his father Yitzchak to Mamre, to Kiryat-Arba – this is Chevron – where there has resided temporarily Avraham and Yitzchak.
28and the days of Yitzchak are having been hundred year and eighty years.
29and Yitzchak is expired/passed away and is died, and he is gathered having become to his people, old and satisfied with days. and Esav and Yaakov his sons have him buried.

Pati Souliye




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