In the beginning יט

1and the two angels are having come to Sodom in evening; and Lot is sitting in gate of Sodom. and Lot has them seen, and he has self stood up them to meet, and has self bowed with face to the ground. 2and he has to them said: see, I entreat you (PL), my lords, turn in in house of your servant on over night, and wash your (PL) feet; and you (PL) will self arise early, and will go on your way. have they said: no, but on the street will me spend the night. 3is he very urged to them, and they have turned in to him, and are went in his house, and he has for them made a meal, and baked unleavened cakes, and they have eaten.
4before yet they have self lain down, have the men of city, the men of Sodom, encircled this house, of young man to old, this all people from every quarter. 5and they have called to Lot, and have to him said: where are the men which are to you(SG) having come the night? bring them out to us, we shall them know. 6is Lot having come out to them in entrance, and the door has he locked behind self. 7and he has said: I entreat you (PL), my brothers, do not any evil things. 8behold, I entreat you (PL), are by me two daughters which know not of any man, let me them bring forth to you (PL), and do with them as it is good in your (PL) eyes, but the this men shall you (PL) any thing not do, thus as they are having come in the shadow of my roof. 9have they said: go away! and they have said: having come one sojourning, and judge will he judge! now will we self with you(SG) yet worse treat than with them. and they are very pressed to the man, to Lot, and have come near to break the door. 10have the men stretched out their hand, and brought Lot to self in house, and the door have they locked. 11and the people which at entrance of house have they struck with blindness from small to great, and they have not able find the entrance. 12and the men have said to Lot: whom yet have you (sg) here? a son-in-law or your sons and your daughters, or whom only you (sg) have in the city, lead out from the place; 13because we destroy the this place, because this cry concerning them is great before Hashem, and Hashem has us sent it to destroy.
14is Lot having come out, and has spoken to his sons-in-law, the which have taken his daughters, and he has said: stand up, go out from the this place, because Hashem destroys the city. and he is having been as one which makes jest in the eyes of his sons-in-law.
15and as the morning is dawning, thus have the angels hurried Lot, so to say: stand up, take your wife, and your two daughters which find self here, so that you(SG) must not destroyed become by the sin of the city. 16and that he has lingered, have the men grasped his hand, and the hand of his wife, and the hand of his two daughters; on account of Hashem's mercifulness and compassion on him. and they have him led out, and have him left outside city. 17and it is was, as they have him led out outside, thus has he said: run with your life; you(SG) must self not look back behind you(SG), and self not stop moving in the whole district; run to mountain, so that you(SG) must not destroyed become. 18has Lot to them said: not thus, I entreat you (PL), my lords. 19behold, I entreat you, your servant has found grace in your eyes, and have extoled your kindness which you (sg) have done with me, to let live my soul; but I can not escape to mountain, because this evil will me yet overtake, and I will die. 20Now, I entreat you, is that city, near there to flee, and she is a little one; let me, I entreat you, there escape – she is yet a little one – and my soul will remain alive. 21has he to him said: behold, I have you accepted also concerning this thing, I shall not overthrow the city which you (sg) have said. 22quick self, run there, because I can not do any thing, until you (sg) come there. therefore has they called the name of the city Zoar.
23the sun is having been dawning on the earth, when Lot is arrived at Zoar. 24and Hashem has made rain on Sodom and on Gomorrah sulfur and fire, from Hashem, from heaven. 25and he has overthrown the these cities, and the whole region, and all inhabitants of the cities, and the tzemach of the earth. 26and his wife has self looked from behind him, and is having become a pillar salt.
27and Avraham has self rose early in the morning to the place which he is there stood before Hashem. 28and he has looked down on Sodom and Gomorrah, and on the all land of the region, and he has seen, look the smoke of land goes up thus as the smoke of a lime kiln/oven.
29thus is happen, when G-d has destroyed the cities of the region, that Hashem has remembered on Avraham, and has sent out Lot from midst of of the upheaval at overthrow the cities which Lot is in them settled.
30and Lot is gone up from Zoar, and has self settled on mountain, and his two daughters with him; because he has fear have had to sit in Zoar; and he is settled in a cave, he and his two daughters. 31has the older said to the younger: our father is old, and not any man is there on the earth to come to us, thus as the manner of the whole earth. 32come, let us drench our father with wine, and we will lie with him, and we will maintain from our father a seed. 33have they watered their father with wine in that night, and the older is having come and is lay with her father; and he has not known of her lying self or of her stand up. 34and it is having been on next day, has the older said to the younger: behold, last night am I lay with my father; let us him drench with wine also the tonight, and come you (sg) lay with him, and me will maintain from our father a seed. 35have they also in that night watered their father with wine, and the younger is arose and is lay with him; and he has not known of her lying self or of her stand up.
36and two daughters of Lot are conceived having become of their father. 37and the older has given birth to a son, and she has called his name Moab; this is the father of the present-day Moab. 38and the younger, she also has given birth to a son, and she has called his name Ben-ammi; this is the father of the present-day children of Ammon.

Pati Souliye




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