In the beginning טז

1and Sarai, Avram's wife, has him not given birth to any children; and she has have had a Egyptian female servant which her name is having been Hagar. 2has Sarai said to Avram: behold but, Hashem has me prevented from to give birth; come, I entreat you, to my female servant, perhaps will I restored become by her. has Avram listened to the voice of Sarai. 3and Sarai, Avram's wife, has taken Hagar the Egyptian, her female servant, afterwards as Avram is settled in land Canaan ten years, and she has she given her husband Avram for a wife to him. 4and he is having come to Hagar, and she is conceived having become; and as she has seen that she is conceived, thus is her mistress disdained having become in her eyes. 5has Sarai said to Avram: my injustice on you(SG)! I have given my female servant in your bosom, and as she has seen that she is conceived, thus am I disdained having become in her eyes; shall Hashem judge between me and between you(SG). 6has Avram said to Sarai: behold is your female servant in your hand, do with her what is good in your eyes. and Sarai has she tormented, and she is fled from her.
7has the Angel of Hashem she found by a spring water in the wilderness, by the spring on way to Shur. 8and he has said: Hagar, Sarai's female servant, from whence you come from, and where are you going? has she said: from my mistress Sarai flee I. 9has the Angel of Hashem to her said: return self on to your mistress, and bow self under her hands. 10and the Angel of Hashem has to her said: increase will I increase your seed, and he will not can counted become from multitude. 11and the Angel of Hashem has to her said:
behold, you (sg) are conceived,
and conceive a son,
shall you (sg) call his name Yishmael,
because Hashem has heard your affliction.
12and he will be a man a wild donkey:
his hand will be against them all,
and them all's hand will be against him;
and in presence of all his brothers will he dwell.
13has she called the name of Hashem which has to her spoken: you (sg) are the G-d (El) sees; because she has said: also here have I seen the one who sees me? 14therefore has they called the well Be'er Lachai Roi; it is between Kadesh and between Bered.
15and Hagar has given birth to Avram a son, and Avram has called the name of his son which Hagar has given birth to, Yishmael. 16and Avram is having been six and eighty year old, when Hagar has given birth to Yishmael to Avram.

Pati Souliye




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