In the beginning יב

Go forth!
1and Hashem has said to Avram: go you(SG) away from your land, and from your descent, and from your father's house, to the land which I will you(SG) show. 2and I will you make for a great people, and I will you bless, and magnify your name, and you you(SG) must be a blessing. 3and I will bless the which bless you, and the which curse you will I curse; and with you(SG) will self bless all families of the earth.
4and Avram is having gone thus as Hashem has to him spoken; and Lot is gone with with him. and Avram is having been a man of five and seventy year by his go out of Charan. 5and Avram has taken his wife Sarai, and his brother's son Lot, and their all wealth which they have amassed, and the persons which they have self amassed in Charan, and they are having come out to go to land Canaan; and they are having come to land Canaan. 6and Avram is passed through land to the place of Shechem, to the oak Moreh. and the Kena'ani is then having been in land.
7and Hashem has self appeared to Avram, and has said: to your seed will I give this land. and he has there built an altar to Hashem which has self appeared to him.
8and he has self moved from there to mount, in east of Bethel; and he has set up his tent with Bethel of west, and Ai of east; and he has there built an altar to Hashem, and has called to the name Hashem.
9and Avram has moved out, advancing all that further to south.
10is having become a famine in land, and Avram has gone down to Egypt, self there sojourn, because the famine is having been severe in land. 11and it is having been, as he is having come near to Egypt, thus has he said to his wife Sarai: behold, I entreat you, I know that you (sg) are a woman of a beautiful appearance. 12is, as the Egyptians will you see, thus will they say: this is his wife; and they will me kill, and you will they leave alive. 13say, I entreat you, you (sg) are my a sister, so that me shall well be of your sake, and my a soul shall remain alive sake of the you(SG).
14and it is having been, as Avram is having come to Egypt, thus have the Egyptians seen the woman, that she is very beautiful. 15and the lords of Pharaoh have her seen, and have her commended before Pharaoh, and the woman is taken having become in Pharaoh's house. 16and Avram has he accepted of her sake; and he has received sheep, and oxen, and donkeys, and servants, and maid servants, and female donkeys, and camels.
17has Hashem afflicted Pharaoh and his household with great plagues Sarai, Avram's wife. 18and Pharaoh has called Avram, and has to him said: what have you (sg) here done to me? for what have you (sg) me not said that she is your wife? 19why have you (sg) said: she is my a sister, and I have her taken for a wife? and now, behold is your wife, take and go.
20and Pharaoh has commanded concerning him the men, and they have seen to the door him, and his wife, and all that which he has have had.

Pati Souliye




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