Mark 11

chapter eleven
1and when they get closer self to Jerusalem, to Beit-Pagey and Beit-Anyah, beside the Mount of Olives, sends he two of his disciples, 2and says to them: go in the village into, which is opposite you (PL); and as soon as you (PL) will come in there, will you (PL) find a young small donkey tied up, on which no man is never not sat; untie it, and bring it. 3and if someone will to you (PL) say: why do you (PL) this? shall you (PL) say: the L-rd has it need, and sends it soon back here. 4and they are go away, and have found a young small donkey tied up by a door outside at the cross road; and they untie it. 5and some, who are there standing, have to them said: what do you (PL), untying this small donkey? 6and they did to them say just as Yehoshua has commanded; and they have them allowed. 7and they bring the young small donkey to Yehoshua, and place on it their cloaks; and he has self thereon sit on. 8and a many have spread out their garments on the road; and others have spread out branches, which they have cut off on the fields. 9and those, who are walking ahead, and those, who did follow, have shouted: Hosanna! praised is the (one), who comes in the Name of the L-rd! (blessed which comes in the Name of Hashem) 10blessed is this kingdom of our father David, who comes! Hosanna in highest! (Psalms 118, 26)
11and he is entered to Jerusalem in Beis HaMikdash into; and after the as he has self on all look around, because it is already was a late evening hour, is he went out to Beit-Anyah together with the twelve.
12and in the morning, when they are gone out from Beit-Anyah, is he become hungry. 13and seeing from a distance a fig tree, which has had leaves, is he go there, perhaps will he something find on it; and when he is come over to it, has he nothing found except leaves; because it is not was the season for figs. 14and he has answering said to it: it shall no longer until on eternal anyone not to eat from you (SG) any fruit! and his disciples have it heard.
15and they come to Jerusalem. and he is entered in House the Holy. and has begun to cast out those, who have sell and buy in house the Holy, and overturned the tables of the money changers, and the benches of the sellers of doves. 16and he did not allow, that anyone shall carry through a vessel through the House the Holy. 17and he did them teach, and did to them say: (question) stands then not written: my house shall called to be a house prayer for all nations? (Yeshayah 56, 7) you (PL) however have it made for a robbers den! (Yirmeyah 7, 11.) 18and the chief kohenim and the scribes have this heard. and they did seek how him to destroy; because they did fear have before him, because the whole crowd people were astounded over his teaching.
19and when it is become evening, is he went out outside the city. 20and when they did pass by in the morning, have they seen the fig tree wither until to the roots. 21and Peter has self remembered and says to him: Rebbe, look, the fig tree, which you (SG) you have cursed, is withered become! 22and Yehoshua has answering to them said: have faith in Hashem! 23in truth tell I you (PL): who it will say to the this mountain: lift you up and throw yourself into sea into! and will not be doubtful in his heart, but will believe, that what he says will happened, will it (thus) be for him. 24therefore say I you (PL): all, on which you (PL) will prayer do and ask, believe, that you (PL) have it received, and it will (thus) be to you (PL). 25and when you (PL) has self standing and are praying, shall you (PL) forgive be, if you (PL) have something against for whom; so that also your Father in heaven shall you (PL) forgive his your (PL) transgressions. 26if however you (PL) will not forgive his, will your Father in heaven you (PL) also not forgive your (PL) transgressions.
27and they come again to Jerusalem. and while he is walking about in House the Holy, come to him the chief kohenim, and the scribes, and the elders; 28and say to him: with what for a authority do you do the these things? or who has you (SG) given the this authority, so that you (SG) you shall do the these things? 29and Yehoshua has to them said: I will you (PL) ask one question, and answer Me, and I will you (PL) say, with which authority I do the these things. 30(question) is the mikveh of John was from heaven, or from people? answer Me! 31and they have it reasoned among self, so to say: will we say: from heaven, will he say: then why has you (PL) him not believed? 32will we however say: from man?—have they fear had before crowd; because all have held, that John is really was a prophet. 33and answering say they to Yehoshua: we know not! and Yehoshua says to them; tell I you (PL) also not, with what for a authority I do the these things!

Chwazi Kounye ya:


Pati Souliye




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