Mark 10

chapter ten
1and he is stand up again from there, and is come to the borders of Yehudah and of Beyond Yarden; and again have crowds of people themselves gathered by him; and as usual, did he them again teach. 2and Pharisees are come over to him, and have him asked, if a man permitted self divorce with the wife; testing him. 3he however has answering said to them: what did you (PL) Moses command? 4and they have said: Moses did permit (you PL) to write a book of divorce (divorce certicate) and her send away. (Deuteronomy 24, 1) 5Yehoshua however did to them say: on account of the hardness of your heart did he you (PL) write the these command; 6from beginning of the creation however has Hashem them created male and female. (Genesis 1, 27.) 7therefore will a man leave his father and the mother, and self unite with his wife, 8and the two will be one flesh (Genesis 2, 24); thus are they more not two, but one flesh. 9therefore what Hashem has paired together was, that shall no man not separate! 10and in the house did the disciples him again ask about the this one thing. 11and he did to them say: who it divorces self with his wife, and has wedding with an another, is he committing adultery against her; 12and if she divorces self with her husband, and has wedding with an other, does she adultery.
13and they did to him bring small children, so that he shall them touch; the disciples however did rebuke on them. 14and when Yehoshua did this see, did it him resent, and he did to them said: allow the small children come to Me; forbid it them not; because for their kind is the kingdom of Hashem! 15in truth say I you (PL): who it will not receive the kingdom of Hashem as a young child, that (one) will never way not enter therein! 16and did them take on his arms, and blessed (them), placing the hands upon they.
17and while he is went out on the way, is him one run forward (toward), and is fell down before him on the knee, and did him ask: Rebbe good one, what shall I do, so that I shall inherit eternal life? 18and Yehoshua did to him say: why call Me good? no one is not good, except Hashem alone! 19the commandments you know: you (SG) shall not murder! you (SG) shall not commit adultery! you (SG) shall not steal! you (SG) shall not false witness say! you (SG) shall not rob! you (SG) shall give honor (to) your father and your mother! (Exodus 20, 12-16.) 20and he did to him say: Rebbe, all the these have I observed from my youth without. 21and Yehoshua did on him a glance do and him love got, and said to him: one thing lack you (SG); go, sell all, what you (SG) you have, and give it to the poor people, and you (SG) you will have an treasure in heaven; and come, and follow Me after! 22he however is sad become over the word, and is went away a sad person, because he did have a large possessions.
23and Yehoshua has self look around, and says to his disciples: o, how hard it is for the (ones), who have riches to enter into the kingdom of Hashem! 24and the disciples are amazed become over his words. Yehoshua however again answering has to them said: children, o, how difficult it is for the, who have confidence in money, to enter in the kingdom of Hashem! 25it is easier for a camel to go through the hole of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of Hashem. 26and they are further astounded become, and did among themselves speak: and who then can saved to be? 27Yehoshua did a look do on them and says: with people is it impossible, but not with Hashem; because everything is possible with Hashem. 28Peter did begin to speak to him: look, we have everything left, and have you (SG) followed! 29has Yehoshua said: in truth say I you (PL): it is not there no one, which has left house, or brothers, or sisters, or mother, or father, or children, or fields, on account of me, and on account of the News Good, 30who will not receive hundred times as much now in the this one time, houses, and brothers, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and fields, with persecutions; and in the coming world eternal life. 31however a many first (ones) will be last (ones); and the last first.
32and they are were on the way, going up to Jerusalem; and Yehoshua did go ahead before them; and they were astounded; and those, who had followed, have self fearful. and he did again take the twelve to self, and did begin to speak to them about the things, which will come on him: 33look, are going we up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will turned over to be to the chief kohenim and the scribes; and they will him condemn to the death, and him give over to the nations (of the world); 34and they will mock of him, and spit on him, and will him flog, and kill; and in three days around will he again standing up again. 35and James and John, Zavdai's sons, are went (come) over to him, and did to him say: Rebbe, we request, that you (SG) you shall for us do, what we will you ask! 36and he did to them say: what request you (PL), that I shall do for your sake? 37and they have to him said: give us, that we should sit, one on your right side, and one on your left side, in your glory! 38Yehoshua however has to them said: you (PL) know not what you (PL) ask! (question) can you (PL) then drink the goblet, which I drink? or immersed to be with the mikveh, with which I am immersed? 39and they have said to him: we can! Yehoshua however has to them said: the goblet, which I drink, will you (PL) drink; and with the mikveh, with which I am immersed, will you (PL) immersed to be; 40but to sit on my right side or left side is not mine to give, but (it is for the) for whom it is prepared been. 41and when the ten did this hear, did they begin to be in anger on James and John. 42and Yehoshua did them call to self, and says to them; you (PL) know, that those, who counted to rule over the nations, oppress them; and their great ones dominate over them. 43with you (PL) however is it not so; but who it will want become a gadol among you (PL), will he be your servant; 44and who it will want be among you (PL) the first, will he be everyone's servant. 45because even the Son of Man is not come served to be, but to serve, and to give his life as an ransom for many.
46and they come to Yericho. and when he is went out from Yericho, with his disciples and an visible crowd people, is Timai's son, Bar-Timai, a blind man beggar, sat by the road. 47and on hearing, that it is Yehoshua of Natseret, did he begin to shout, and say: Son of David, Yehoshua, have mercy on me! 48and a many did rebuke on him, so that he shall be silent; he however did even much more shout: Son of David, have mercy on me! 49and Yehoshua has self stood still, and said: call him. and they call the blind man, and said to him: be comforted; stand up, he calls you! 50and he has thrown away his garment, and self stood up on the feet, and is come to Yehoshua. 51and Yehoshua has answering to him said: what you want, that I shall you (SG) do? and the blind man did to him say: Rabboni, that I shall sighted become! 52and Yehoshua did to him say: go; your faith has you (SG) helped! and immediately was he sighted become, and did him follow on the road. (Yeshayah 42, 6-7)

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