Mattityahu 7

chapter seven
1judge not, in order that you (PL) shall not judged to be. 2because with what for a judgment you (PL) sentence (a verdict), will you (PL) judged to be, and with which measure of you (PL) measure, will you (PL) measured to be. 3and why do you see the splinter in your brother's eye, but the beam, which is in your eye, you notice not? 4or how you can say to your brother: let me remove the splinter from your eye; and look, the beam is in your eye? 5you (SG) hypocrite, throw to the first out the log from your eye; and then will you see clearly to take out the splinter from your brother's eye. 6give not the holy to the dogs, and throw not your (PL) pearls before the swine, in case will they them trample with their feet, and returning themselves you (PL) tear apart.
7ask, and it will you (PL) given to be; seek, and you (PL) will find; knock on, and it will you (PL) opened become! 8because everyone, who asks, receives; and the, who seeks, finds; and the one, who knocks on, (it) will opened become. 9or which man among you (PL) is it, who, if his son shall him ask bread, will he him give a stone? 10or if he shall ask a fish, will he then him give a snake? 11if therefore you (PL), being evil, know to give good gifts to your (PL) children, how more will your Father, who is in heaven, give good (things) to the (ones), who ask him? 12therefore all, which you (PL) want, that the people should you (PL) do, do also that way for them; because that very thing is the law and the prophets.
13go in through the narrow gate; because spacious is the gate, and broad the way, which leads to corruption, and a many are there, who go in through that same one. 14how tight is however that gate, and narrow the way, which leads to the life, and few are those, who find it.
15beware for the false prophets, who come to you (PL) in clothing of sheep, inside however are they devouring wolves. 16from their fruit shall you (PL) them recognize. (question) gather they then grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles? 17in this way bears every good tree good fruit; the bad (corrupt) tree however yields out bad fruit. 18a good tree can not bear any bad fruit, and a bad (corrupt) tree not bear any good fruit. 19every tree, which gives not out any good fruit, becomes chopped down, and thrown in fire into. 20therefore shall you (PL) them recognize from their fruit. 21not every one, who says to me, L-rd, L-rd, will enter in kingdom of heaven, but the one, who does the will of my Father, who is in heaven. 22a many will say to me in that day: L-rd, L-rd, did have we then not in your name prophecies said, and in your name cast out evil spirits, and in your name done a many wonders? 23and then will I confess before them: I have you (PL) never not known; go from me, you (PL), who do wickedness. 24therefore every one, who hears the these words my, and does them, will be compared to a man a wise, who has built his house on the rock. 25and the downpour has fallen, and the water floods are come, and the winds have blown, and have struck against that house; and it is not fell; because it was founded on the rock. 26and every one, who hears the these words my, and does them not, will be compared to a man a fool, who has built his house on the sand. 27and the pelting rain has fallen, and the water storms are come, and the winds have blown, and have beat upon that house; and it is collapse, and the break down of it was great. 28and it is happened, when Yehoshua has finished the these words, have the crowds of people been astounded over his teaching. 29because he has them taught as one, who had authority, and not as their scribes.

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Mattityahu 7: OYBCENGL

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