Mattityahu 5

chapter five
1and seeing the crowds of people, is he went up on the mountain; and when he had self sat down are his disciples came to him. 2and he has opened his mouth and them he taught, saying:
3blessed are the poor in spirit;
because theirs is the kingdom of the heavens.
4blessed are the mourners;
because they will comforted to be.
5blessed are those, who regard themselves as small;
because they will inherit the earth.
6blessed are those, who hunger and thirst after righteousness;
because they will be filled to be.
7blessed are the merciful ones;
because they will reach mercy.
8blessed are those, who are pure in heart;
because they will see Hashem.
9blessed are those, who make peace;
because they will called to be Hashem's children.
10blessed are those, who to be persecuted on account of righteousness;
because the kingdom of heaven is theirs.
11blessed are you (PL), when they do you (PL) on evils, and they persecute you (PL), and they speak out false everything evil about you (PL), on account of me. 12rejoice yourselves, and be yourselves very joyful, because your reward is great in heaven; for just in this way have they persecuted the prophets, who were was before you (PL).
13you (PL) are the salt of the earth; if however this salt may to lose its taste, with what will it salted to be? it is fit more for nothing, except thrown out and for people trampled to be. 14you (PL) are the light of the world. a city, which is situated on a hill, can not remain hidden. 15one lights also not on a candle, and puts it under the measuring basket, but on the candlestick; and it gives light (to) everyone in house. 16just in this way may your light to shine before people, so that they may see your (PL) deeds good, and give a praise to your Father, who is in heaven.
17you (PL) shall not think, that I have come to destroy the Torah or the prophets; I have not come to destroy, but fulfill to do. 18because in truth say I (to) you (PL), until the heaven and the earth will pass away, will any one yod, or a kotse of yod of the Torah not null and void to be, until all is happened. 19therefore who it will destroy one of the these smallest commands, and will just in this way teach the people, this one will be called least in the kingdom of the heavens; whoever however he will them do and teach, this one will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20because I tell you (PL), that if your righteousness will not exceed the righteousness of the scribes and the Pharisees, will you (PL) never way not enter into the kingdom of the heavens.
21you (PL) have heard, that it is said become to the ancients: you (SG) should not to kill; who however the one kills, is liable to the judgment. 22I however tell you (PL), that every one, who is angry about his brother, will be liable to the judgment; and who it will say Good for nothing to his brother, will be liable to the Sanhedrin; and who it will say, you (SG) fool, will be liable to the fire of Gehenna. 23therefore when you (SG) bring your sacrifice to the altar, and there you remember yourself, that your brother has something against you (SG), 24shall you (SG) there leave your sacrifice before the altar, and go before all there, reconcile with your brother, and then come and be offer your sacrifice. 25become in agreement with your adversary quickly, while you (SG) are still with him on the road; lest will your adversary you give over to the judge, and the judge to the police, and you (SG) you will thrown to be in prison into. 26truly tell I you (SG), you (SG) you will from there never way not come out, until you (SG) pay not the last penny!
27you (PL) have heard, that it is said become: you shall not commit adultery! 28I however tell you (PL), that every one, who looks at a woman, she to desire, has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29and if your right eye misleads you to the stumbling, take it out, and throw it away from you (SG); because it profits yourself you (SG), that one of your body parts may lost go, and not your whole body may thrown to be in Gehenna into. 30and if your right hand misleads you to the stumbling, cut it up, and throw it away from you (SG); because it profits yourselves you (SG), that one of your body parts may lost go, and not your whole body may go in Gehenna into. 31and it is said become: who it separates self from his wife, will he her give a divorce certicate. 32I but tell you (PL), that every one, who separates self from his wife, except on account of a case of fornication, makes he her adultery to do. and who it has marry with a divorcee, this one is doing adultery. 33again have you (PL) heard, that it is said become to the ancients: you shall not swear falsely, you shall however repay your oaths to the L-rd (G-d). 34I however tell you (PL), swear entirely not; not by the heaven, because it is Hashem's throne of glory. 35not by the earth, because it is a footstool for His feet; not by Jerusalem, because this is the city of the great king. 36you shall also not swear by your head, because you (SG) can not any single hair white or black make. 37but let your word be; yes, yes; no, no! and what is more than the these is from the evil (one).
38you (PL) have heard, that it is said become: an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth; 39I however tell you (PL): you (PL) shall yourselves not resist the evil (one); but when someone slaps you on your right cheek, bend him also the other to. 40and the one, who wants self judge with you (SG) and take away your shirt, let him also the over cloak. 41and who it compels you to go a mile, go with him two. 42give to the one, who asks from you (SG), and from the one, who wants from you (SG) (to) borrow, turn yourself not away. 43you (PL) have heard, that it is said become: you (SG) you shall love have your neighbor, and hate your enemy; 44I however tell you (PL): have love your (PL) enemies, and pray for those, who persecute you (PL); 45so that you (PL) shall be children of your Father, who is in heaven. because He allows his sun to shine on evil and on good, and allows it to rain on righteous and on unrighteous. 46because if you (PL) will love have those, who have you (PL) love, what for a reward have you (PL)? (question) do then the tax collector not the same? 47and if you (PL) give up peace (greeting) only your (PL) brothers alone, what do you (PL) here more? (question) do then the nations (of the world) not also the same? 48therefore shall you (PL) be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Chwazi Kounye ya:

Mattityahu 5: OYBCENGL

Pati Souliye




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