Mattityahu 3

chapter three
1in those days comes John of the (Yarden) mikveh, and calls out in the wilderness of Yehudah, in this way to say: 2do repentance; because the kingdom of the heavens has itself come near. 3because this is he, of whom it is spoken become through Isaiah the prophet, in this way to say:
a voice of one, who calls out in the wilderness:
make ready the way of the L-rd (G-d),
make straight his paths!
(Yeshayah 40, 3)
4and John himself has had a clothing of camel hair, and a leather belt around his waist; and his food was locusts and wild honey. 5then is to him went out Jerusalem, and all Yehudah, and the whole region along Yarden; 6and have themselves allowed immerse be in the mikveh of him in the river Yarden, confess making themselves about their sins. 7when however he did see a many of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees come to the mikveh, has he to them said: you (PL) children of snakes, who did you (PL) give to understand, that you (PL) may flee from the coming fury? 8bear therefore fruit, which is worthy for repentance! 9and may you (PL) not come upon the thoughts to say: we have Abraham as our father (merit of the fathers); because I tell you (PL), that Hashem is able from the these stones to raise up children for Abraham. 10and the axe lies already by the root of the trees; therefore every tree, which bears not any good fruit, is chopped down, and thrown in fire into. 11I immerse you (PL) in a mikveh with water for repentance; but this one, who comes after me, is stronger than I, who I am not worthy carried in his shoes; he will you (PL) immerse do in a mikveh with the Spirit the Holy and with fire. 12his wind shovel is in his hand, and he will good clean out his threshing floor; and he will gather his wheat in barn into, but the chaff will he burn in fire, which quench itself not out.
13then comes Yehoshua from Galilee to the Yarden to John, so that mikveh immersed to be in a mikveh of Him. 14he but has it him prevented, saying: I have need from you (SG) immersed to be in a mikveh, and you (SG) come to me? 15but Yehoshua has answered to him said: let it now to be; because in this way send for us to fulfil every righteousness. then has he him permitted. 16as Yehoshua has immersed become in a mikveh, is he about to climb out from water; and look, the heavens have themselves opened, and he has seen Hashem's Spirit descend like a dove, and come on him; 17and look, a voice from heaven has said: this is my beloved Son, in whom I have a well pleased!

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Mattityahu 3: OYBCENGL

Pati Souliye




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