Mattityahu 23

chapter three and twenty
1then has Yehoshua spoken to the crowds of people and to his disciples, 2so to say: the scribes and the Pharisees have themselves sat down on Moses' seat. 3therefore all, what they will you (PL) say, shall you (PL) do and observe; do however not according to their deeds; because they say, and do not. 4they bind heavy burdens and put them on man's shoulders; themselves however the will they the these even with the finger not touch. 5and all their deeds do they, so that of people seen to be, because they make wide their tefillin, and long the tzitziyot, 6and have love the seats at the head (of honor) on feasts, and the first seats in synagogue, 7and the peace greetings on the marketplaces, and from people called to be Rebbe! 8you (PL) however shall yourselves not call Rebbe, because one is your Rebbe, and you (PL) all are brothers. 9and call not anyone on the earth your Father; because one is your Father, who is in heaven. 10you (PL) shall yourselves also not call guides; because one is your guide, the Moshiach. 11the greatest among you (PL) shall his your servant. 12and who it will himself alone to raise up, this one will humbled to be; and who it will self alone lower, this one will raised up be. 13woe is however to you (PL), Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! that (since) you (PL) lock up the kingdom of heaven for the people. because you (PL) go not inside, and those entering allow you (PL) not go in. 14(woe is to you (PL), Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! that you (PL) swallow one the houses of the widows, and for an pretext daven you (PL) long. therefore will you (PL) received a greater judgment.)
15woe is to you (PL), Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! that you (PL) travel around over sea and land, in order that to make a ger (proselyte); and when he becomes one at last, make you (PL) him to be a son of Gehenna twice more than you (PL) are yourself. 16woe is to you (PL), the blind leaders, who say: whoever (does) it swear by the Heikhal, is it nothing; however who (does) it swear by the gold of temple, this one is liable. 17you (PL) fools and blind men; because what is greater, the gold or the Heikhal, which makes sacred the gold? 18and: who it swears by the altar, this is nothing; who however (does) it swear by the sacrifice, which lies thereon, this one is liable. 19you (PL) blind men! because what is greater, the sacrifice or the altar, who makes sacred the sacrifice? 20therefore who it swears by the altar, this one swears there and by all, which is on it. 21and who it swears by the Heikhal, this one swears there, and by the, which dwells inside. 22and who it swears by the heaven, this one swears by Hashem's throne of the glory and by that, which (is) seated thereon.
23woe is to you (PL), Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! that you (PL) give back tithe of the mint and the dill and the cumin, and ignored the more difficult things of the Torah: the judgment and the mercy and the faith/faithfulness! the these things have you (PL) required to do, and those not neglecting. 24you (PL) the blind guide, who filter out the gnat, and swallow down the camel.
25woe is to you (PL), Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! that you (PL) make clean the outside of the goblet and the bowl, of inside however are they full with robbery and not self-control. 26you (SG) blind man pharisee, cleanse before all the inside of the goblet, so that also the outside shall to be clean.
27woe is to you (PL), Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! that you (PL) are like to chalk white washed graves, which from the outside they look beautiful, from inside however are they full with bones of the dead, and every impurity. 28just so appears you (PL) yourselves out from toward as righteous (ones) for the people, from inside however are you (PL) full with hypocrisy and wickedness.
29woe is to you (PL), Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! that you (PL) build on the tombs of the prophets, and decorate the gravestones of the righteous, 30and say: if we would lived in the days of our parents, would we ourselves not have participated with them in the blood of the prophets. 31so are you (PL) witness to self alone, that you (PL) are children of the prophets murderers. 32and you (PL) make full the measure of your (PL) parents! 33you (PL) snakes! brood of vipers! how will you (PL) escape from the judgment of Gehenna? 34therefore, look, I send to you (PL) prophets and wise men, and scribes; a part of them will you (PL) kill and let hanged up on the tree; and a part of them will you (PL) beat up with scourges in your (PL) synagogues, and persecute from city to city; 35so that it shall come on you (PL) the entire righteous blood, which is shed been on the earth, from the blood of Hevel the righteous until to the blood of Zecharyah son of Berechiah, whom you (PL) did kill between the Heikhal and the altar. 36in truth say I you (PL), this all will come on the this very generation.
37Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which kills the prophets, and stones those, who are sent to you (SG)! how many times have I wanted gather your children, like a hen gathers together her chickens under the wings, and you (PL) has not wanted. 38look, your house will (to) you (PL) left to be desolate. 39because I tell you (PL): from now onwards will you (PL) me more not see, until you (PL) will say:
blessed is he who comes in in the Name of Hashem!

Chwazi Kounye ya:

Mattityahu 23: OYBCENGL

Pati Souliye




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