Mattityahu 19

chapter nineteen
1­and it is happened, when Yehoshua has finished the these words, has he Himself get up and is went away from Galilee, and is come in the boundary of Yehudah, on the other side of Yarden. 2and great crowds of people have him followed, and he has them there healed.
3and Pharisees are come to him, have him putting to test, and said: (question) permitted one self divorce with the wife on account of every reason? 4he however has answering said: have you (PL) then not read, that the Creator has in beginning them created male and female, 5and said: therefore will a man leave the father and the mother, and himself united with his wife; and the two will become one flesh? thus are they now longer not any two, but one flesh. 6therefore what Hashem has united was, this shall any man not separate. 7say they to him: and why has Moses ordered to her to give a divorce certicate, and her send away? 8says he to them: Moses has you (PL) permission to divorce your (PL) wives, because the hardness of your heart; from beginning is it however not that way was. 9and I tell you (PL): who it divorces self with his wife, except on account of fornication, and has marry with an another, this one is committing adultery; and who it has marry with a divorcee, this one is committing adultery. 10say the disciples to him: if the thing is in this way among husband and wife, is good not to marry. 11he however has to them said: not all can receive the these word, only those, to whom it was given. 12because are there eunuchs, who are in this way born become from their mothers body; and are there eunuchs, who are castrate become of people; and are there eunuchs, who have self alone castrate was on account of the kingdom of heaven. who it can it receive, this one shall it receive!
13then has they brought children to him, that he shall lay the hands on them, and say a prayer; the disciples however have rebuked on them. 14Yehoshua however has said: allow the children come to Me, and hinder them not; because to such belongs the kingdom of heaven. 15and he has laid the hands on them, and is went away from there.
16and look, one is come to him, and said: Rebbe, what for a good shall I do, so that I shall have eternal life? 17and he has to him said: why you ask me about the good? only one is the good one! if however you (SG) want go in in the life, observe the commands! 18says he to him: which? and Yehoshua has said: you shall not to kill, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not say false witness, 19you shall give honor the Father and the mother, and: you (SG) you shall love have your neighbor as you alone! 20says to him the young man: this all have I kept; what lack I still? 21has Yehoshua to him said: if you (SG) want be perfected, go, sell your property, and give it to poor people, and you (SG) you will have a treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me after. 22as however the young man has heard the this word, is he went away a sad person; because he has had a great possessions.
23and Yehoshua has said to his disciples: in truth tell I you (PL): it is difficult for an rich go in in the kingdom of heaven. 24and again tell I you (PL): a camel can easier go in through the eye of a needle, than a rich man in the kingdom of Hashem! 25and when the disciples have this heard, are they strong amazed become, and have said: who then can save to be? 26and Yehoshua has on them looked and said to them: with man is the these impossible; with Hashem however is all possible. 27then has Peter answering to him said: look, we have all deserted, and you (SG) followed; what will we have therefore? 28and Yehoshua has to them said: in truth tell I you (PL), that you (PL), who have me followed, will in the new world, when the Son of Man will sit on his throne of glory, also sit on twelve thrones and judge the twelve tribes of Israel. 29and every one, who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields on account of my name, will a many times more received, and inherit the eternal life. 30but a many first will be last, and last—first.

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Mattityahu 19: OYBCENGL

Pati Souliye




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