Mattityahu 13

chapter thirteen
1in that day is Yehoshua went out of house, and has self sat down by the sea. 2and great crowds of people have themselves gathered to him, that he is step in in a boat, and has self sat down; and the whole crowd people is stand by the shore. 3and he has spoken to they a many things with parables, so to say: look, the sower is went out to sow; 4and while he was sowing, is a little (of the seeds) fell by the road, and the birds are come and have it swallowed up. 5an another amount is fell on rocky places, where it has not have much earth; and it has soon sprout out, for the reason which it has not had any depth of earth; 6when however the sun is gone up, is it withered become, and because of it has not have any root, is it withered become. 7and an another amount is fell among the thorns; and the thorns are grew, and have it choke. 8an another amount is however fell on the good earth, and it has brought forth fruit, one hundredfold, one sixty, and one thirty. 9who it has ears, this one shall hear!
10and the disciples are come over, and have said to him: why speak to them in parables? 11and he has answering said: because to you (PL) was given to knowledge the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, to those however is it not given become. 12because who he has, the one will given to be, and he will have an abundance; who however it has not, of the one will also taken away become, what he has yes. 13therefore speak I to them in parables; because they look and see yet not, and hear and hear yet not, and understand also not. 14and on them becomes fulfilled Yeshayah's prophecy, which says:
with the ears will you (PL) hear, and not understand,
and look will you (PL) look, and yet not see!
15because dull/fat become is the heart of the this people,
and with the ears hear they hard,
and their eyes have they closed;
lest would they see with the eyes,
and with the ears hear,
and with the heart understood,
and self turn back,
and I would them have healed.
(Yeshayah 6, 9-10)
16however blessed is your (PL) eyes, because they see; and your (PL) ears, because they hear. 17because in truth tell I you (PL), that a many prophets and righteous have longed to see, what you (PL) see, and have it not seen; and to hear, what you (PL) hear, and have it not heard. 18therefore shall you (PL) hear the parable of the sower. 19when someone hears the word of the kingdom of, and understands it not, comes the not good one and tears out that, which is sown become in his heart. that is the one, who is sown been by the road. 20and the one, who is sown been on rocky places, that is the one, who hears the word, and takes it immediately on with joy; 21he has however not any root in self, but is for an hour. and comes a trouble or persecution on account of the word, stumbles he immediately. 22and the one, which is sown among the thorns, that is the one, who hear the word, and the worry of the world, and the deception of riches chokes the word, and it remains without fruit. 23the one however, which is sown on the good ground, that is the one who hears the word, and understands it; he brings already yes fruit, and one brings hundredfold, and one sixtyfold, and one thirtyfold.
24an another parable has he for them put, so to say: the kingdom of heaven is like man, who has sown good seeds in his field. 25and while the people are asleep, is come his enemy and has sown wild grass among the wheat, and is went away. 26and when the grass has sprouted, and brought forth fruit, has themselves then also the wild grass appeared. 27and the servants of the owner of the house are went (come) and have said to him: Master, (question) you have then not sown good seeds in your field? from where then has it wild grass? 28he however has to them said: this did a man, an enemy, done! say the slaves to him: (question) you want then that we should go and it tear out? 29says he: no, lest, tearing out the wild grass, will you (PL) the same time with also root out the wheat. 30let both grow together until to the harvest, and in the time of harvest will I say to the reapers: rip to the first out the wild grass, and tie it in bundles, so that should it burn; the wheat however gathers one in my barn into.
31an other parable has he for them put, so to say: the kingdom of heaven is like to a mustard seed, which a man has taken, and sown in his field. 32that is the smallest of all seeds; but when it grows up, is it greater than all herbs, and it becomes a tree, that the birds of heaven come and make self nests in its branches.
33an another parable has he to them said: the kingdom of heaven is likened to yeast, which a woman has taken, and hid in three measures of roll flour, until it will totally leavened through become. 34this all has Yehoshua spoken to the crowds of people in parables; and without a parable has he to they nothing spoken, 35so that it shall fulfilled become, what is said become through the prophet, so to say:
I will open my mouth in parables;
I will pronounce riddles from ancient days.
(Psalms 78, 2)
36then has he sent away the crowds of people, and is entered in house. and his disciples are come to him, and have said: explain us the parable of the wild grass of field. 37and he has answering said: the one, who sows the good seed, is the Son of Man; 38and the field is the world; and the good seeds, this are the children of the kingdom of; the wild grass however are the children of the evil one; 39and the enemy, who has it sown, is the Satan; and the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are angels. 40therefore how one tears out the wild grass and one burns it in fire, will it also so be at the end of the world. 41the Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will gather from his kingdom of all stumbling blocks and those, who do wickedness, 42and will them cast into the furnace of fire into; there will be the weeping and gnashing with the teeth. 43then will the righteous shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. who it has ears, this one shall hear.
44the kingdom of the heavens is like secret treasure in a field; which a man had found, and hidden; and for joy goes he and sells all, that he has, and buys that field. 45again is the kingdom of heaven like merchant, who seeks beautiful pearls. 46and when he has found one, a very expensive pearl, is he go and sell all, what he has had, and has it buy.
47again is the kingdom of heaven like net, which is lowered become in sea into, and which catch everything. 48which, when it is become full, had they it drew out on the shore, and they has themselves sat down, and gathered the good kind in vessels into, the bad however had they thrown out. 49just in this way will it be at the end of the world. the angels will go out, and will separate the unrighteous from among the righteous, 50and they cast in the furnace of fire into. there will be the weeping and gnashing with the teeth.
51have you (PL) this all understood? say they to him: yes! 52and he has to them said: therefore is every one scribe, who is taught to the kingdom of heaven, like to a man an owner of the house, who brings out of his treasure new and old things.
53and it is happened, when Yehoshua has finished the these parables, is he from there went away. 54and is come into his land into, and has them taught in their synagogue, that they have astounded and said: from where has he the these wisdom, and the wonders? 55is he then not the carpenter's son? called then not his mother Mary and his brothers Jacob and Joseph and Simon and Yehudah? 56and are then not all his sisters with us? from where then comes to him this all? 57and they are stumbled become in him. Yehoshua however has to them said: no prophet is not without honor, except in his fatherland, and in his own house! 58and he has there not done no many wonders on account of their unbelief.

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Mattityahu 13: OYBCENGL

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