Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 7

1“If you do not want to be judged, then do not judge others. 2For the way you judge others will come back to you—full circle. 3Think of it this way. How can you see the speck of wood in the eye of another#7:3, 5 Lit. your brother when you cannot see the log in your own eye? 4How can you say, ‘Here, let me help you,’ when you cannot see that you need even more help? 5Stop pretending to be something you are not! If you will be honest about yourself, you will then see clearly enough to help others.
6“Take care not to give what is sacred to the ones who will turn on you and treat you with disrespect. For who would toss an eagle feather into the dirt to be trampled on?
7“Let your prayers rise like smoke to the Great Spirit, for he will see and answer you. Every step is a prayer, and as you dance upon the earth for the things you seek, the way will open before you. In the same way, as you search for the true ancient pathways, you will find them. 8Answers will come to the ones who ask, good things will be found by the ones who search for them, and the way will open before the ones who keep dancing their prayers.”
Creator Sets Free (Jesus) took a piece of frybread and a fish from a basket. He lifted the frybread up high for all to see.
9“What father, if his son wanted frybread, would give him a stone to eat?”
Then he lifted the fish up high.
10“If he asked for a fish, would he give him a snake?
11“If fathers with bad hearts know how to give good gifts to their children, then how much more will the Great Spirit, who is your loving Father from above, give good gifts to the ones who ask?
12“Here is the meaning of what I have been saying: whatever good you want others to do for you is what you should do for them. This is the whole purpose of the instructions given by Drawn from the Water (Moses) and the words spoken by the prophets.
13-14To walk Creator’s good road you must enter this small gate and walk a narrow path that leads to the good life. Only a few find and walk this road. But the gate is large and the path is wide that leads to a bad end. Many walk this road.
15“Some who walk this wide road represent themselves as sheep, but inside they are hungry wolves. Watch out for these false prophets. 16You will know them by their fruit. Do grapes come from a thorn bush or pears from thistles? 17-18Will a sick tree give good fruit or a healthy tree bad fruit? No! Healthy trees give good fruit and sick trees give bad fruit. 19It is the trees with bad fruit that are cut down and used to make a fire. 20When you see the fruit of their ways, you will know them.
21“Not everyone who calls me their Great Chief is walking the good road from the spirit-world above. The ones who do what my Father from the spirit-world above wants are the ones walking this road.
22“On that day, the time when Creator reveals all hearts, many will say to me, ‘O Great Chief, did we not speak for you, force out evil spirits, and do great things all in your name—representing you?’ 23But this is what I will have to say to them, ‘Who are you? Go away from me, you who do what you know is wrong, for you never truly knew me.’#7:23 Lit. I never knew you
24“The ones who listen to me and walk in my ways are like a wise man who built a grand lodge on solid ground. 25The rain poured down, the streams flowed, and the strong winds came. They all beat against the lodge, but it stood strong against the storm. Nothing could shake it, for it was built on solid ground.
26“The ones who hear my words but do not walk in these ways are like another man, a foolish one, who built his lodge on top of the sand. 27When the storm came against it, the lodge crashed to the ground, and all that was in it was lost.”
28-29Creator Sets Free (Jesus) was finished for the day with his teachings and wise stories. All the people were amazed and had great respect for him, for he was not like the other spiritual leaders—the scroll keepers. He spoke with true wisdom and dignity, showing he had the right to represent the Great Spirit.

Pati Souliye




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