Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 19

1After Creator Sets Free (Jesus) had finished speaking in the territory of Circle of Nations (Galilee), he left there and went to the territory of the Land of Promise (Judea) beyond the river Flowing Down (Jordan). 2Once again large crowds came to him there, and he healed them.
Like hungry wolves, the Separated Ones (Pharisees) began to come in packs and test him with questions about tribal law, hoping to trap him. They knew that among the spiritual leaders there was much disagreement about how to interpret the instructions about marriage and divorce.
3Some of the Separated Ones (Pharisees) came to him. “Does our tribal law permit a man to put away his wife for any and every reason?” they asked.
4“Have you not read in the Sacred Teachings,” Creator Sets Free (Jesus) asked them, “that, in the beginning of creation, from one human being the Great Spirit made two—one male and one female? 5This is why a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife. Together they become one flesh, 6no longer two, but one body joined together.#19:6 Genesis 2:24 No human being should tear apart what Creator has put together.”
Like sly coyotes they smiled at each other. They were sure that he could not answer their next question.
7“Why then,” they asked him, “does Drawn from the Water (Moses), in the Law, instruct that a man give his wife divorce papers before sending her away?”
8“It is because of your cold hearts of stone that Drawn from the Water (Moses) permitted this,” he answered, “but this was not the Great Spirit’s original plan for men and women.
9“But here is how I will answer you,” he told them. “Any man who sends his wife away and marries another is guilty of being unfaithful to her, unless she was the one who was not faithful.”
10The ones who walked the road with him shook their heads and said, “If this is so, between husband and wife, then it must be better not to marry.”
11“Not many can hold to this teaching,” he answered them, “but only those to whom it has been gifted. There are many reasons for not getting married. 12Some are born with no desire or ability for marriage. Some have lost their ability from what has been done to them. Others choose not to marry so they can put all their strength into walking the good road from above. The ones who have this gift are able to walk in this wisdom.”
13The people were bringing their little children to Creator Sets Free (Jesus) so he would lay his hands on them and pray, but his followers spoke harsh words to the ones bringing them.
14“Let the little children come to me!” Creator Sets Free (Jesus) said to his followers. “Do not turn them away. Creator’s good road from above belongs to the ones who are like these children.”
15He then took the children into his arms, laid his hands on them, blessed them, and then went on his way.
16As he was walking on down the road, a man came to him. “Wisdomkeeper,” he asked, “what good must I do to find the life of the world to come that never fades away?”
17“Why do you ask me about what is good?” he asked the man. “There is only one who is good—the Great Spirit. If you want this life, then follow the instructions given in our tribal law.”
18“Which instructions?” the young headman asked.
“You already know them,” Creator Sets Free (Jesus) answered. “Do not take away the life of another, do not be unfaithful in marriage, and do not take what is not yours. Be honest in all you say and do, and never cheat a fellow human being. 19Give honor and respect to your father and mother, and love your fellow human beings as much as you love yourself.”
20Wisdomkeeper,” the man answered, “from my youth I have followed all of these instructions. What have I left undone?”
21“Only one thing remains,” he answered. “Take all of your possessions and give them to the ones who have none, and then you will have great possessions in the spirit-world above.”
Creator Sets Free (Jesus) then gave the man the same invitation that he gave to his message bearers.
“Come,” he said to the man, “and walk the road with me.”
22But when the young man heard this, his heart fell to the ground. He hung his head and walked away, for he had many possessions.
23“I speak from my heart,” Creator Sets Free (Jesus) then said to his followers, “Finding the way onto the good road from above is a hard thing for the ones who have many possessions. 24It would be easier for a moose#19:24 Lit. camel to squeeze through the eye of a beading needle.”
25His followers could not believe what they were hearing. “How then can anyone find and walk the good road?” they asked.
26Creator Sets Free (Jesus) set his eyes firmly on them and said, “With two-leggeds this is impossible, but all things are possible with the help of the Great Spirit. Nothing is impossible for him.”
27Then Stands on the Rock (Peter) spoke up, “We have left all our possessions, and our relatives, to walk the road with you! What will become of us?”
28“I speak to you from my heart,” he answered. “When the new age has been birthed, the True Human Being will sit in his seat of honor, and you who have walked the road with me will sit in twelve places of honor, deciding what is good and right for the twelve tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel).
29“All who have given up their homes and families because they represent me will receive back much more#19:29 Lit. one hundred times as much than they have lost, and the life of the world to come that never fades away will be theirs.”
For they now belong to Creator’s sacred family, which will care for them.
30“But remember, many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.”

Pati Souliye




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