Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 10

1Creator Sets Free (Jesus) then gathered his twelve message bearers together to prepare them for this great harvest. He gave them authority over evil and unclean spirits, to force them out of people, and to heal all kinds of sickness and disease.
There were originally twelve tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel). This may be why he chose twelve message bearers.
2Here are the names of the twelve that he chose to be his special message bearers:
First there was One Who Hears (Simon), who was also called Stands on the Rock (Peter), and his brother Stands with Courage (Andrew). Then he chose He Takes Over (James) and his brother He Shows Goodwill (John), who are the sons of Gift of Creator (Zebedee).
3He also chose Friend of Horses (Philip) and Son of Ground Digger (Bartholomew) and Looks Like His Brother (Thomas) along with Gift from Creator (Matthew), the tribal tax collector.
Then he chose He Takes Charge (James), the son of First to Change (Alphaeus), along with Strong of Heart (Thaddaeus) and 4One Who Listens (Simon) the Firebrand (Zealot). And last of all, Speaks Well Of (Judas), also known as Village Man (Iscariot), who later betrayed him.
5Before Creator Sets Free (Jesus) sent out his twelve message bearers to represent him, he gave them these instructions:
“It is not the time to go to the Outside Nations or to the villages of the people of High Place (Samaria). 6Instead, go to your own people—the lost sheep of the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel).
7“This is what I want you to say to them: ‘Creator’s good road from above is close. Reach out and take hold of it!’ 8Heal all who are sick, cleanse the ones with skin diseases, raise the dead, and force evil spirits out of people. Give away the things I have given to you and ask no price for your service.
9“Take no trading goods with you or coins for your money pouches. 10Take no traveling bundle, moccasins, or extra clothes to wear, not even a walking stick, because the ones who work hard in the harvest fields deserve to be fed and cared for.
11“Whenever you enter a camp or village, find an honorable person who will give you lodging. 12When you come to their dwelling, greet the family with respect. 13If they are people of honor, your greeting of peace will rest on them. 14But if no one in that village welcomes you or listens to your message, then go from there and shake the dust from your moccasins. 15The truth is, on the day when the fate of that village is decided, it will be worse for them than it was for Village of Bad Spirits (Sodom) and Village of Deep Fear (Gomorrah).
16“Look and listen! I am sending you out like sheep into a pack of wolves, so be as crafty as snakes but as harmless and gentle as doves. 17Look out for men with bad hearts, for they will bring you before their councils and whip you with leather straps in their gathering houses. 18You will also be dragged before government rulers and leaders—all because you are representing me—and in this way through you both the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel) and the People of Iron (Romans)#10:18 Lit. Gentiles will hear my message.
19“When this happens, do not be afraid or worry about what you will say or how you will say it. 20When that time comes, you will be given the words to say. For it is not you who will speak, but the Spirit of your Father will speak through you.
21“Brother will betray brother and parents will betray their children, even putting them to death. Children will turn against their parents and have them killed. 22The time will come when all will hate you because you represent me and carry my name. But remember, it is the ones who never give up and make it to the end of the road who will be rescued and made whole.
23“If they hunt you down in one village, leave there and go to the next one. I speak from my heart, the True Human Being will come before you finish going through all the villages in the land of the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel).
24“Followers are not greater than the one they follow. You who are my followers will be treated in the same bad ways they treat me. 25So consider it an honor that you will be treated the same as your Wisdomkeeper. If they have called the chief of the council house Worthless Ruler (Beelzebul),#10:25 Another name for Satan how much worse will they speak of the members of his council?
26“Do not fear their threats. For their evil ways will be found out. Even what they say and do in secret will be made clear for all to see.
27“The things I have told you in secret at night, make them known when the sun rises! What I have whispered in your ears, stand on the rooftops and shout out loud for all to hear!
28“Have no fear of your opponents, for they can only kill the body, but not your inner being. Instead, fear the one who can bring an end to your entire being#10:28 Lit. both body and soul in the Valley of Smoldering Fire.
29“Two small winged ones could be traded for two poorly beaded earrings, but not one can fall to the ground unless your Father, the Creator, knows it. 30-31Are you not worth more to him than many small winged ones? He knows the number of hairs on your head, so do not fear the ones who stand against you.
32“All who represent me before others I will represent before my Father from above. 33But the ones who disown me will be disowned before my Father above.
34“Do you look for me to bring peace to this troubled land? 35The message I bring will pierce like the blade of a long knife. It will turn a son against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36In their own homes they will fight like enemies—all because of me.
37“The ones who choose their father or mother, son or daughter, over me dishonor me. 38The ones who fail to pick up their cross and walk the road with me do not know my worth. 39The ones who care only for their own life will fail to find life, but the ones who will lay down their life for me will find true life.
40“The ones who welcome you welcome me, and the ones who welcome me welcome the one who sent me. 41If you welcome a prophet for who he is, you will receive the honor he brings. If you welcome a goodhearted person, you will receive the good that he brings. 42I speak from my heart, even a drink of water given to a small one who follows me will bring great honor to the one who has given it.”

Pati Souliye




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