Matthew 8

Intil Capernaum, whaur he drave out sickness. Oot on the Loch, whaur the storm was hauden in his neive!
1And whan he cam doon frae the mountain, great thrangs oʼ folk followʼt him.
2And lo! a leper cam and worshippʼt him, and said, “Lord! gin ye wad, ye coud mak me clean!”
3And Jesus pat oot his haun, and touched him, sayin, “I wull, be ye clean!” And at aince his leprosie was healed.
4And Jesus chairged him, “See that ye tell nane; but gang yere ways till the priest, and gie ye the gift commandit by Moses, for a token to them!”
5And whan Jesus cam intil Capernaum, thar cam till him a Captain, and besocht him,
6Sayin, “Lord! my servant‐lad is doon wiʼ a stroke, in my hoose, in unco pain!”
7Quoʼ Jesus till him, “I wull come and heal him!”
8And the Captain answerʼt, “Lord! I am‐na fit ye soud come aneath my roof; but only say the word, and my servant‐lad sal be weel!
9“For eʼen I my sel, #8:9 The Roman Captain argued weel! He, and inferior officer, wiʼ a hunner men, had his biddins dune by them; hoo muckle mair coud this Divine Healer order the palsy to be gane!a man aneath authoritie, hae sodgers under me; and I say till ane ‘Gang,’ and he gangs; and till another ‘Come,’ and he comes; and till my servant‐lad, ‘Do sae and sae,’ and he dis it!”
10Hearin this, Jesus ferlied; and said to them that followʼt, “I haena fund sic faith as this, no in aʼ Israʼl!
11“And I say tʼye, Mony sal come frae the East and frae the Wast, and sit doon wiʼ Abraʼm, and Isaac, and Jaucob, iʼ the Kingdom oʼ Heeven,
12“But the sons oʼ the kingdom sal be cuisten oot intil the mirk oot‐by: thar sal be greetin and cherkin oʼ teeth!”
13And Jesus said to the Captain, “Gang yere ways! Eʼen as ye lippened, sae sal it be dune tʼye.” And his servant‐lad was made weel iʼ that same ʼoor.
14And Jesus, enterin Peterʼs hoose, saw his gude‐mither lyin, doon wiʼ a fivver.
15And he touched her haun, and the fivver was gane. And she raise, and waitit on him.
16But whan the gloamin cam on, they brocht till him a hantle wiʼ evil spirits, and he cuist oot the spirits wiʼ a word, and healed aʼ the sick:
17That sae micht the words oʼ Esaiah be fulfilled, wha threepit, “He his ain sel took oor sillinesses, and bure oor sicknesses!”
18Noo Jesus, seein great thrangs aboot him, commandit to gang ower to the ither side.
19And a certain Writer cam, and quoʼ he, “Maister! I wull follow ye, whaursaeʼer ye may gang!”
20Jesus said till him, “The tods hae holes, and the birdies oʼ the lift hae nests; but the Son oʼ Man hasna whaur his heid may lie!”
21And anither oʼ his followers says, “Lord! lat me first gang till my faitherʼs burial!”
22But Jesus says till him, “Follow ye me! and lea the deid to bury their ain deid!”
23And whaun he gaed intil a boat his disciples followʼt him.
24And see! a great storm raise on the Loch; and wave efteir wave gaed ower the boat: but he was sleepin.
25And comin till him, they roused him, sayin, “Maister! save us: we perish!”
26And he says to them, “Why soud ye be fleyʼt? ye oʼ sic smaʼ faith!” Than he raise, and challenged the winds and the sea. And aʼ was lown!
27And the men ferlied uncolie, sayin, “Whatna man is this, that eʼen the winds and the watirs obey him?”
28And whan he cam to the ither side, to the pairts oʼ the Gadarenes, thar met him twa possessʼt anes, comin oot oʼ the tombs, unco fierce, sae that nane daur gang that gate.
29And see! they cryʼt oot, “What hae we wiʼ you, Son oʼ God! Are ye come to torment us ʼor the time?”
30Noo thar war feedin, a gey bit aff frae them, a great herd oʼ swine.
31Sae the evil spirits besocht him, sayin, “Gin ye cast us oot, send us intil the herd oʼ swine!”
32And he said to them, “Gang!” And whan they cam oot, they gied intil the herd oʼ swine; and lo! aʼ the herd rushed doon the scaur intil the Loch, and perished iʼ the watirs.
33And they that herdit them fled and gaed their gate to the citie, and tellʼt aʼ; and what had befaun the possessʼt anes.
34And lo! aʼ the citie cam oot to meet Jesus: and whan they saw him they besocht him to gang awa frae their borders.

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Matthew 8: SCO1904

Pati Souliye




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