Matthew 4

Sautan has a tulzie wiʼ Christ. Jesus taks up wiʼ Capernaum; and bids a wheen disciples.
1Than was Jesus airtit by the Spirit intil the wilderness, thar to be testit oʼ the Enemy.
2And whan he had fastit for forty days and nichts, he was spent wiʼ hunger.
3And whan the Tempter cam till him, quoʼ he, “Gin thou be Godʼs Son, speak to thir stanes, that they be bannocks!”
4But he, answerin till him, said, “No allenarlie on breid leeves man, but by ilk word oʼ Godʼs mooth!”
5Than the deevil taks him wiʼ him intil the holie citie, and pits him on the tapmaist towerickie oʼ the Temple.
6And quoʼ he till him, “Gin ye be Godʼs Son, cast yersel ower; for it is putten‐doon, ‘Till his Angels sal he gie chairge anent ye; and on their hauns sal they haud ye up, that ye clour‐na yere fit again a stane!’ ”
7Quoʼ Jesus till him, “Ance mair it is putten‐doon, ‘Ye sanna temp the Lord yere God!’ ”
8And again the Enemy taks him up intil an unco heigh mountain, and airts him till aʼ the kingdoms oʼ the yirth, and aʼ their glorie;
9And says till him, “Aʼ thae things gie I tʼye gin ye, faʼin doon, gie worship to me!”
10Than quoʼ Jesus till him, “Awa, Sautan! for it is putten‐doon, ‘The Lord yere God sal ye worship; and him alane sal ye serʼ!’ ”
11Than the deevil quats him; and lo! the Angels cam to serʼ him.
12Noo whan it was tellʼt him that John was taen haud oʼ, he gaed awaʼ intil Galilee:
13And forsakin Nazareth, he cam and made his dwallin iʼ Capernaum, on the side oʼ the Loch, on the border oʼ Zabulon and Naphtali;
14That it micht come to pass what said Esaiah the Prophet,
15“Land oʼ Zabulon! and land oʼ Naphtali! Galilee oʼ the nations!
16“The folk that were sittin iʼ the mirk, saw an unco licht; and till aʼ thae sittin iʼ the land and the mirkness oʼ the deid, the licht raise up!”
17Frae that time forth begude Jesus to preach; and quoʼ he, “Repent ye! for Heevenʼs kingdom draws nar‐haun!”
18And walkin by the Loch oʼ Galilee, he saw twa brithers, Simon, (caʼd Peter), and Andro his brither, castin aboot a net iʼ the Loch, for they war fisher‐folk.
19And quoʼ he to them, “Follow ye me! and Iʼse mak ye fishers oʼ men!”
20And they, withoot ado, left the nets, and gaed eftir him.
21And gangin forrit tharawa, he saw ither twa brithers, James, son oʼ Zebedee, and his brither John, in a smack wiʼ Zebedee their faither, workin on their nets: and he bad them “Come!”
22And they, forsakin the boat, and their faither, gaed eftir him.
23And Jesus gaed ower aʼ Galilee, instructin iʼ their kirks, and giean forth the Blythe‐Message oʼ the Kingdom, and healin aʼ diseases, and aʼ infirmities amang the folk.
24And the sough oʼ him gaed oot intil aʼ Syria: and they feshʼt till him aʼ wha war ill wiʼ aʼ diseases and pains, and thae possessʼt wiʼ demons, and dementit, and that had a stroke: and he healed them.
25And unco thrangs followʼt him — frae Galilee, and the Ten Cities, and Jerusalem, and Judea, and ayont the Jordan.

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Matthew 4: SCO1904

Pati Souliye




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