Genesis 5

1This [is] the book of the generations of Adam (Man, ground; red; earthling). In the day that God-Elōhīm [The Living Word - The Many Powered] created man, in the likeness of God-Elōhīm [The Living Word - The Many Powered] made he him;
2Male and female created he them; and Blessed (Favored by God; happy; prosperous) them, and called their name Adam (Man, ground; red; earthling), in the day when they were created.
3And Adam (Man, ground; red; earthling), lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) [a son] in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Shet (Appointed):
4And the days of Adam (Man, ground; red; earthling) after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) sons and daughters:
5And all the days that Adam (Man, ground; red; earthling) lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.
6And Shet (Appointed) lived an hundred and five years, and begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Enosh (mortal, frail, or miserable; mortal man; sick; despaired of; forgetful):
7And Shet (Appointed) lived after he begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Enosh (mortal, frail, or miserable; mortal man; sick; despaired of; forgetful) eight hundred and seven years, and begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) sons and daughters:
8And all the days of Shet (Appointed) were nine hundred and twelve years: and he died.
9And Enosh (mortal, frail, or miserable; mortal man; sick; despaired of; forgetful) lived ninety years, and begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Kenan (something produced, spear):
10And Enosh (mortal, frail, or miserable; mortal man; sick; despaired of; forgetful) lived after he begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Kenan (something produced, spear) eight hundred and fifteen years, and begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) sons and daughters:
11And all the days of Enosh (mortal, frail, or miserable; mortal man; sick; despaired of; forgetful) were nine hundred and five years: and he died.
12And Kenan (something produced, spear) lived seventy years, and begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Mahalal’el (Blessed (Favored by God; happy; prosperous) God):
13And Kenan (something produced, spear) lived after he begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Mahalal’el (Blessed (Favored by God; happy; prosperous) God) eight hundred and forty years, and begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) sons and daughters:
14And all the days of Kenan (something produced, spear) were nine hundred and ten years: and he died.
15And Mahalal’el (Blessed (Favored by God; happy; prosperous) God) lived sixty and five years, and begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Yered [shall come down]:
16And Mahalal’el (Blessed (Favored by God; happy; prosperous) God) lived after he begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Yered [shall come down] eight hundred and thirty years, and begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) sons and daughters:
17And all the days of Mahalal’el (Blessed (Favored by God; happy; prosperous) God) were eight hundred ninety and five years: and he died.
18And Jared [shall come down] lived an hundred sixty and two years, and he begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Hanokh (teaching, or commencement; trained and vowed, dedicated; profound (go deep into something)):
19And Yered [shall come down] lived after he begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Hanokh (trained and vowed, dedicated; profound (go deep into something)) eight hundred years, and begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) sons and daughters:
20And all the days of Yered [shall come down] were nine hundred sixty and two years: and he died.
21And Hanokh (trained and vowed, dedicated; profound (go deep into something)) lived sixty and five years, and begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Metushelach (his death shall bring):
22And Hanokh (trained and vowed, dedicated; profound (go deep into something)) walked with God-Elōhīm [The Living Word - The Many Powered] after he begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Metushelach (his death shall bring) three hundred years, and begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) sons and daughters:
23And all the days of Hanokh (trained and vowed, dedicated; profound (go deep into something)) were three hundred sixty and five years:
24And Hanokh (trained and vowed, dedicated; profound (go deep into something)) walked with God-Elōhīm [The Living Word - The Many Powered]: and he [was] not; for God-Elōhīm [The Living Word - The Many Powered] took him.
25And Metushelach (his death shall bring) lived an hundred eighty and seven years, and begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Lemekh (poor; made low, despairing)
26And Metushelach (his death shall bring) lived after he begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Lemekh (poor; made low, despairing) seven hundred eighty and two years, and begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) sons and daughters:
27And all the days of Metushelach (his death shall bring) were nine hundred sixty and nine years: and he died.
28And Lemekh (poor; made low, despairing) lived an hundred eighty and two years, and begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) a son:
29And he called his name Noach (Rest, Consolation; this root ‘signifies not only absence of movement but being settled in a particular place with overtones of finality, or victory, salvation etc.’), saying, This [same] shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands, because of the ground which the Lord-Yehōvah (Messiah Pre-Incarnate) has cursed.
30Lemekh (poor; made low) lived after he begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Noach (Rest, Consolation) five hundred ninety and five years, and begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) sons and daughters:
31And all the days of Lemekh (poor; made low) were seven hundred seventy and seven years: and he died.
32And Noach (Rest, Consolation) was five hundred years old: and Noach (Rest, Consolation) begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Shem (name, renown (great reputation; being well-known)), Ham (hot, heat, brown), and Yafet (enlarged; fair; persuading).

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Genesis 5: NMV

Pati Souliye




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