Genesis 10

1Now these [are] the generations of the sons of Noach (Rest, Consolation), Shem (name, renown (great reputation; being well-known)), Ham (hot, heat, brown), and Yefet (enlarged; fair; persuading): and unto them were sons born after the flood.
2The sons of Yefet (enlarged; fair; persuading); Gomer [complete] (to finish; complete), and Magog [land of God] (covering; roof; dissolving), and Madai (a measure; judging; a garment), and Yavan (deceiver; one who makes sad), and Tuval (the earth; the world; confusion), and Meshekh (who is drawn by force), and Tiras (pleasing).
3And the sons of Gomer [complete]; Ashkenaz (a fire that spreads), and Rigat (remedy; medicine; release; pardon), and Togarmah [you will break her] (which is all bone).
4And the sons of Yavan; Elishah [God of the coming one] (it is God; the lamb of God: God that gives help), and Tarshish [yellow jasper] (contemplation; examination), Kittim (breaking; bruising small; gold; coloring), and Dodanim (beloved).
5By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.
6And the sons of Ham (hot, heat, brown); Kush (blackness, Cushi (Ethiopian)), and Mitzrayim [Egypt] (tribulations, Double Distress or Double Stronghold, Black Land), Mizraim, and Put (a bow, a warrior), and Kena’an (merchant; trader; or that humbles and subdues).
7And the sons of Kush (blackness, Etheopian); S’va (a drunkard; that turn), and Havilah (that suffers pain; that brings forth), and Savta (a going about or circuiting), and Ra’amah (greatness; thunder; some sort of evil), and Savt’kha (that surrounds; that causes wounding): and the sons of Ra’amah (greatness; thunder; some sort of evil); Sh’va (oath), and D’dan (their breasts; friendship; a judge).
8And Kush (blackness, Etheopian) begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Nimrod (rebellion): he began to be a mighty one in the earth.
9He was a mighty hunter in place of [in opposition to] the Lord-Yehōvah (Messiah Pre-Incarnate): For what reason it is said, Even as Nimrod (rebellion) the mighty hunter in place of [in opposition to] the Lord-Yehōvah (Messiah Pre-Incarnate).
10And the beginning of his kingdom was Bavel Bavel (to jumble, or a confused medley of sounds; confusion; gate of the deity), and Erekh (to extract, or draw out), and Akkad (A vessel, pitcher, spark), and Kalneh (Our consummation; all of them), in the land of Shin’ar (Tooth Town, or City Of Wit).
11Out of that land went forth Ashur (level plain; over the flames), and built Nineveh [abode of Ninus, or Offspring’s Habitation] (Offspring’s Habitation, poss. Fish pond sacred to Ishtar/Easter/Europa), and the city Rekhovot (wide open spaces; wild places/street, City of Room; Big City), and Kelach (as new, Vigor, completion),
12And Resen (Head Of A Spring) between Nineveh [abode of Ninus, or Offspring’s Habitation] (Offspring’s Habitation, poss. Fish pond sacred to Ishtar / Easter / Europa) and Kelach (as new, Vigor, completion): the same [is] a great city.
13And Mitzrayim [Egypt] (tribulations, Double Distress or Double Stronghold, Black Land) begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Ludim (nativity, generation), and Anamim (Responding Waters), and L’havim (Flames or Blades), and Naftuchim (Openers or Engravers),
14And Patrusim (South Land of Mitzrayim [Egypt]; interpret dreams), and Kaftorim (outstretched hand; cup).
15And Kena’an (merchant; trader; or that humbles and subdues) begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Tzidon (hunting; fishing) his firstborn, and Het (terror),
16And the Y’vusi (Trampled Underfoot), and the Emori (The Talkers), and the Girgashi (dwelling on a clayish soil),
17And the Hivi (villagers), and the ‘Arki (to go away, to gnaw), and the Sini (thorn, sharpen; [pos. the Chinese]),
18And the Arvadi (wander, restlessly, roam), and the Tz’mari (Wooly Boys), and the Hamati (putrid, grow rancid; fortress): and afterward were the families of the Kena’ani (low/humbled ones; merchants) spread abroad.
19And the border of the Kena’ani (low/humbled ones; merchants) was from Tzidon (hunting; fishing; venison; Hunter’s Lodge, Provision Storage, Harbor Master, or even Judge Of The Si), as youi come to G’rar (a lodging place, Sojourning, slime, be a stranger, stir up wars, or be afraid, stand in awe), unto ‘Azah (Strong Place, fortified place); as youi go, unto S’dom (burning, denotes penal constrictions around the ankles), and ‘Amora (submersion, Tyrants, bind sheaves, People of Fear), and Admah (red or ruddy (reddish hair or complexion) ground), and Tzvoyim (speckled, Multifariously Colored, or Fingers), even unto Lesha (fissure; To Be Viewed, To Be Blinded, or To Be Played With; bursting forth).
20These [are] the sons of Ham (hot, burnt, heat, brown), after their families, after their tongues, in their countries, [and] in their nations.
21Unto Shem (Name or Fame; the entire essence of a person) also, the father of all the children of ‘Ever (the region beyond; pass over, through, take away; overflowing of temper: wrath and rage; fury; to be arrogant or infuriate oneself), the brother of Yefet (terror, enlarged; fair; persuading, opened; Wide Spreading) the elder, even to him were [children] born.
22The children of Shem (name, renown (great reputation; being well-known)); ‘‘Eilam [eternity] (Hidden; Young Man or Always; Perhaps alluding to hidden secrets of the future), and Ashur (level plain; over the flames), and Arpakhshad, and Lud [strife] (no real meaning in Hebrew; possibly: to turn aside; strife), and Aram (citadel, palace; elevated, lifted up).
23And the children of Aram (citadel, palace; elevated, lifted up); ‘Utz (deep contemplation on reality and justice), and Hul (be firm, endure), and Geter (Circle Of The Winepress), and Mash (Extend).
24And Arpakhshad (meaning unknown; pos. reference to a “stronghold of the Kasdim [Kasdim [clod-breakers]] [Sorcerers]) begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Shelach (Sent Out, Branch or Javelin; to prosper, rest); and Shelach (Sent Out, Branch or Javelin; to prosper, rest) begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) ‘Ever (the region beyond; pass over, though, take away; overflowing of temper: wrath and rage; fury; to be arrogant or infuriate oneself).
25And unto ‘Ever (the region beyond; pass over, though, take away; overflowing of temper: wrath and rage; fury; to be arrogant or infuriate oneself) were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg (Division or Divider; specif. channel or canal); for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother’s name [was] Yoktan (He Will Be Made Small; insignificant).
26And Yoktan (He Will Be Made Small; insignificant) begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Almodad (Who Does God Love? or: How God Loves!), and Shelef (Drawn Out), and Hatzar-Mavet (Village Of Death; drawn out of death; mostly of a form or shape that starts out small and grows larger, like a trumpet), and Yerach (Moon; or possibly Wanderer),
27And Hadoram (Exalted Glory, or (seen as a plural) Honors/ Splendors/ Ornaments), and Uzal (Take Off or Vanish), and Diklah (Date-Tree, Palm, the idea of rocking to and fro in the air),
28And ‘Oval (To be Bare, stripped off [leaves]; No Cloud / Clear Skies), and Avima’el (What A Father Is God [EL]), and Sh’va (splinters, flame),
29And Ofir (Coast Of Riches or Mark Of Wealth; possibly: ashes, covering bandage), and Havilah (Languishing Village, or Exhausted Revelation; oneself; worship; to tell, to make known; tent, village; means collect or gather; strength; Bringing Forth, Trembling), and Yovav (To Call Shrilly): all these [were] the sons of Yoktan (He Will Be Made Small; insignificant).
30And their dwelling was from Mesha [deliverance] (Retreat; also: to feel, as in touch and recognize), as youi go unto S’far (Counting or Calculating) to the mount in the east.
31These [are] the sons of Shem (name, renown (great reputation; being well-known)), after their families, after their tongues, in their lands, after their nations.
32These [are] the families of the sons of Noach (Rest, Consolation), after their generations, in their nations: and by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood.

Chwazi Kounye ya:

Genesis 10: NMV

Pati Souliye




Ou vle gen souliye ou yo sere sou tout aparèy ou yo? Enskri oswa konekte