Bereshis 35

1And Elohim said unto Ya'akov, Arise, go up to Beit-El, and settle there; and make there a Mizbe'ach unto El (G-d) that appeared unto thee when thou didst flee from the face of Esav achicha.
2Then Ya'akov said unto his Bais, and to all that were with him, Put away the elohei hanekhar that are among you, and be tahor, and change your simlah (garments); 3And let us arise, and go up to Beit-El; and I will build there a Mizbe'ach unto El (G-d) Who answered me in my yom tzoros, and was with me in the derech in which I went.
4And they gave unto Ya'akov kol elohei hanekhar which were in their yad, and all their nezamim which were in their oznayim; and Ya'akov buried them under the elah (terebinth) which was at Shechem. 5And they journeyed; and the chittat Elohim (terror of G-d) was upon the cities that were around them, and they did not pursue after the Bnei Ya'akov.
6So Ya'akov came to Luz, which is in Eretz Kena'an, that is, Beit-El, he and kol haAm that were with him. 7And he built there a Mizbe'ach, and called the makom (place) El Beit-El; because there HaElohim appeared unto him, when he fled from the face of achiv.
8But Devorah meineket Rivkah died, and she was buried under an alon (oak) below Beit-El; and shmo was called Alon Bachut.
9And Elohim appeared unto Ya'akov again, when he returned from Paddan-Aram, and made a brocha upon him. 10And Elohim said unto him, Shimcha is Ya'akov; shimcha shall not be called any more Ya'akov, but Yisroel shall be shemecha; and He called shmo Yisroel. 11And Elohim said unto him, I am El Shaddai; be fruitful and multiply; a Goy (nation) and a Kehal Goyim shall be from thee, and Melechim shall come out of thy loins; 12And HaAretz which I gave Avraham and Yitzchak, to thee I will give it, and to thy zera after thee will I give HaAretz.
13And Elohim went up from him in the makom where He talked with him. 14And Ya'akov set up a matzevah (pillar, monument) in the makom where He talked with him, even a matzevat even (pillar of stone); and he poured a nesech (drink offering) thereon, and he poured shemen (oil) thereon. 15And Ya'akov called the shem of the makom where Elohim spoke with him, Beit-El.
16And they journeyed from Beit-El; and there was still a space of ha'aretz to get to Ephratah; and Rachel travailed, and she had hard labor. 17And it came to pass, when she was in hard labor, that the meyaledet (midwife) said unto her, Fear not; thou shalt have this ben also. 18And it came to pass, as her nefesh was in departing, (for she died) that she called shmo Ben-Oni (Son of Affliction); but aviv called him Binyamin.
19And Rachel died, and was buried on the derech to Ephratah, which is Beit-Lechem. 20And Ya'akov set up a matzevah upon her kever; that is matzevet kevurat Rachel to this day.
21And Yisroel journeyed, and pitched his ohel beyond Migdal-Eder.
22And it came to pass, when Yisroel dwelt in that land, that Reuven went and lay with Bilhah pilegesh aviv and Yisroel heard it. Now the Bnei Ya'akov were Sheneym Asar (Twelve); 23The Bnei Leah: Reuven bechor Ya'akov, and Shim'on, and Levi, and Yehudah, and Yissakhar, and Zevulun; 24The Bnei Rachel: Yosef, and Binyamin; 25And the Bnei Bilhah shifchat Rachel: Dan, and Naphtali; 26And the Bnei Zilpah shifchat Leah: Gad, and Asher; these are the Bnei Ya'akov, which were born to him in Paddan-Aram.
27And Ya'akov came unto Yitzchak Aviv unto Mamre, unto Kiriat-HaArba, which is Chevron, where Avraham and Yitzchak sojourned.
28And the days of Yitzchak were me'at shanah u'shemonim shanah.
29And Yitzchak expired, and died, and was gathered unto his people, being zaken (old) and full of yamim; and his banim Esav and Ya'akov buried him.

Chwazi Kounye ya:

Bereshis 35: TOJB2011

Pati Souliye




Ou vle gen souliye ou yo sere sou tout aparèy ou yo? Enskri oswa konekte